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Around 6:30, we had finally hit the road for the three-hour drive to Nana's hometown. We went in my car, and I was driving. I've had my driver's licence for 8 years now. Yet, Nana only got her a few months ago. 

I felt bad as Nana was trying to tell me some of her childhood memories, but through it, she was crying. I guess some childhoods can't be as good as they seem. Even for the nicest and most perfect people. Only 3 of her 11 siblings, actually acknowledged who she was and listened to her. 

Even though we were only an hour away from her childhood home, I thought we could stay in a hotel for the night, beats having to sleep in the car's stuffy back seat. Based on what she told me about her family, it seemed as if she didn't want to see them just yet, and she didn't seem to have much self-confidence left in her. 

"Nana, do you want to have dinner at that restaurant, rather than having a takeaway, or something like that?" I pointed to the nice-looking restaurant near the hotel. She cheered up almost instantly.

"Sure," she said, her true smile glistening, the Nana smile as I call it. She wasn't wearing the fake Kawaii~Chan smile, the one that's forced or rigid.  This smile was sweeter and more relaxed, it made me feel happy to see Nana there, right beside me. Once I parked and got out of the car, we walked over to the beautiful restaurant called 'A'la De Bone'.

(XD, that's a seriously random name! Comment if you have another name for it) [2022 Edit: H-how...? How did I come with that?]

"Weird name, huh?" I asked, and Nana giggled. We made it to the entrance of the restaurant, and standing there was a French-looking waiter, don't ask how I knew, but his accent put things off.

"Welcome to the A'La De Binone Restaurant, how many will be dining tonight?" he said, not coming into eye contact with us.

"Two," I answered. 

"Name?" the waiter asked, still not paying attention.

"Zane Ro'Meave."

"Zane Ro'Meave..." he said, jotting it down, then he physically jumped and looked up at us, but mainly me. "H-hold up... Are you related to Zianna and Garte Ro'Meave?" he asked.

I pulled a face at Nana and shrugged, "Yeah, they're my parents, why?" 

"Oh my goodness! Well, come on in and follow me!" he practically yelled and another waiter took his place at the entrance.  He led us to a table for two and we sat down, handing us a black menu each, he then left us and scurried off to another table. 

"Nana glanced up from her menu and looked at me, stifling her giggles. "I couldn't understand a single word he was saying!" she exclaimed. "What was that about?" she asked, on the verge of laughing her lungs out a second time.

Again, I pulled another face. "I dunno. I do know the Ro'Meave name is quite well known but I don't know what his problem was. Maybe my parents sponsor this restaurant or something," I suggested, looking around the modernised homey restaurant, "This place does look beautiful though. It would seem they'd sponsor this."

I noticed my curious, meif~wa girlfriend peering around the place, and froze when she saw something she wasn't comfortable with. "You know... Zane.... did you consider that they could be sitting at another table... you know... right now..." she said shakily, as her smile drained, and pointed to one of the various tables by the other side of the restaurant,  where my parents and two brothers were sitting. 

"Darn it..." I grumbled, finding myself looking to the ground. "Maybe we should leave..." I began, as I was interrupted by fangirling, not from Nana, but from my mother. 

"ZuZu! Is that you? And my future daughter-in-law!?" Mum squealed and ran over to our table, and gave us both a quick hug. She was drawing the attention of the other customers. I also noticed Garroth snapping pictures from his table.

"Hi, mum,"  I grunted, not bothering to smile.

"What's with the pouty face ZuZu? Isn't your adorable girlfriend meant to make you happy? Oh, did you fight?" she began assuming.

Nana glanced over to me, then to my mother. "Zianna, I think Zane's mad, because I think he wanted an 'alone' dinner, and... it doesn't seem to have turned out that way... But, despite that, I'm glad to see you again," Nana explained. I gave her a grateful smile, mouthing 'Thank You'. I shrugged in agreement. Mum saw that Garroth was still taking photos and ran back over to him, giving him one of his 'talking-to's' outside. 

"Now back to ordering..." I said as Nana giggled, catching  Vylad wink in our direction as he was filming the little disagreement outside. I waved my phone, indicating that he needed to send that to me. 

"I think I'll get the small seafood dinner with fries for me..." Nana said.

"Predictable," I remarked.


I'm kind of glad that Zianna was at the French Restaurant and the rest of Zane's family. Zianna is very fun and energetic. I find it cute that Zane still gets teased by his mother, and usually goes beet red. 

It must be fun being a mother, everything must be unexpected. It must've been hard for Zianna when she was expecting Vylad, with everything she had to do and tell Garte that he wasn't the father of that baby.

Zianna's so energetic and fun, even for a woman in her 50s. Her black hair is a little grey by the ends, but it's hardly noticeable. 

If I have kids with Zane, I'd never betray him like that. I'd never do anything like that to him. He's my pure true love, I've fallen in love with his blue eyes, and luscious black hair. His sweet singing voice and his soft lips. 

Zane and I had a rather uneventful time at the restaurant, I sometimes glanced over at the Ro'Meave's table. I constantly saw Zianna's mouth being covered by Garte's and Garroth was still taking photos of Zane and me, well until Mr Ro'Meave took away his phone. Garroth is almost 30 years old and still acts like a child.

The restaurant was beautiful, with white wooden tables with white tablecloths. With presentable, comfy seating and lanterns as lighting. There were flowers everywhere, it was amazing. On the tables were flower vases with roses inside, glass cups, polished silverware and ceramic plates/bowls. Afterwards, we got to the nearby hotel to stay for the night.

We chose a room on the fifth floor with a spectacular view of the Phoenix River, which runs south through Phoenix Drop, Falcon Claw, Meteli and other smaller towns.

There was a double bed, made with white sheets and four fluffy pillows. On each side of the bed were two bedside tables and there was a lamp on the left one. By the right side of the bed were a balcony and an ensuite on the left side, by the hotel room's entrance. In front of the bed, was a large 4k tv and a small shelf on the wall beside it towards the door. Zane and I set to work. 

Once we finished we changed into our pyjamas, (white and pink plaid pyjamas for me and the same design but navy and blue for Zane) we were seated on the bed under the covers. 

After watching a few MLP episodes on the streaming service that was provided, we passed out till the next morning.


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