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Zane and I spent the past day getting many accessories for the new house. Picture frames, flower vases, fairy lights, back deck chairs, and a few other things. We filled the empty frames with some of the photos from when we were little, until now as a couple. It makes the house look more complete, but... it's still missing and I can't figure out what it is. 

I've spent the last few days at home, mainly finding places for all of our stuff, and working out all the details for my new bakery. 

I grabbed my phone and left, heading over to Katelyn's house, I wanted to know how she's been doing over the past week. I, of course, still have one of the spare keys, I opened the unlocked front door finding Katelyn and Nicole talking on the couch. It's been a while since I've seen that specific sight. 

"Hey Katelyn, Hi Nicole," I said, as I spotted them.

"Hey!" Katelyn welcomed.

"Kawaii~Chan! Hey! Um... where's the Nicole~Sama? You are Kawaii~Chan right?" Nicole asked.

"What? What do you mean?"

"Nevermind," Nicole snapped, looking down at her shoes. 

"Whatcha doing here, Kawa- Nana," Katelyn asked.

"Kawaii~Chan is okay if you want to call me that." 

"Okay, thanks. But what are you doing here? Don't you have Zane to go all 'lovey-dovey' over?" she teased, using her fingers as quote marks. 

"W-we don't do that!" I protested.

"Right...? If you came to see how I am, I'm fine. But there's someone upstairs you might wanna see again." 

"Have I met this person before?"

"You sure have. Go on."

"Okay." I shrugged, walking up the stairs by the door, and I decided to head over to my old room, the one that looked into Aph and Aaron's bedroom. I missed that room. As I was heading over to my bedroom door, I heard some... noises... I poked my head into the open door, and inside was a girl who looked exactly like me, except with pure black ears and a tail.

"Oh! Hi Nee~Chan!" she said.

"Hi... REMMI!? WHAT'RE YOU DOING IN MY OLD ROOM?" I asked her, with a... raised voice, I didn't mean it, but it made me feel better.

"Calm down, Nana. I just needed somewhere to stay after I got the job at the maid cafe. I asked Katelyn if she could let me stay here, and she accepted since she needed someone to share the rent with. And I moved in. I hope you don't mind... But now I can be close to that adorable, cute, caring, responsible-" she explained, the last part triggered my shipping mind.

"What? Who's cute, caring, adorable, etc?" I asked my younger sister in a teasing voice.

"H-huh, what?" 

"Remmi Amaterasu Ashida! Do you have a crush!" I squealed.

"N-no! Of course, I don't!" 

"You DO have a crush! Who's the guy!" 

"I DON'T HAVE A CRUSH! We're just friends for now."

"Just friends, eh? Who's your friend?"

"You... you may know him..."

"Are you crushing on V-"

"No! NANA! It's not him! That's gross! It's... Kasey..."

"KASEY!?" Katelyn and I exclaimed. 

"Katie! What're you doing here?! How long were you eavesdropping?! Where's Nicole?!" Remmi exclaimed, completely flustered.

"She left a few seconds ago. So... you and Kasey, eh?" 

"Ooh! Katelyn! If Remmi and Kasey get married! We'll be sisters!" 


"Yes! And we'll-"

"WHAT!? Guys! You are the WORST! We're only friends that's all. Accept that!" Remmi fumed, leaving the room, well, her room. 

"Ooh... Remember when we did that to Aph!?" Katelyn laughed.

"Of course! And look where she is now!"

"Now... should we embarrass Kasey?" she teased, nudging me in the side.

"Nah... give him a bit... but... I bet he already knows... BUT! REMMI AND KASEY WOULD BE SO CUTE TOGETHER!" I squealed.

"Right? Well, that's my new roommate."

"Darn it! I can't tease her as you can!"

"Don't worry, I'll make sure to do it, ONLY when you're around!"

"Thanks! Well... what do you say, Katelyn? Should we 'help' Remmi with anything?"

"Nah, c'mon, let's watch some more 'Once Upon A Time' and catch up."

"I'm sorry... but I need to go see Aaron... it's urgent," I said, clutching my bandana to my chest. 

"Alright. I'll leave you to it. Plus, I like your bandana, it's nice."

"Thanks! Anyway, I'll get out of your hair." We walked over to the front door of my previous home, but Katelyn is suddenly more cheery... she never really wants to hear what I have to say most of the time... did something happen, that she left out?

"Wait... Katelyn.... did something happen when you left for Christmas with your family...?" I asked.

"Well... I may as well tell you since you asked. Things did get off to a rocky start, Travis and I spent a lot of the time sightseeing around O'Khasis. But I mean, I did get to meet my two nieces. Anyway, Travis had begun questioning our relationship, and got uneasy for a few days."

"Then what happened?"

" Then when we saw my dad and brothers, and I guess my dad saw this... I don't know... and welcome him into the family, yet Travis swore to protect me, but I'm glad that Travis and my dad are on the same page..." Katelyn explained, "Plus! Nicole thought you had done something to me," she added.

"That's amazing! But... Katelyn... but I think I heard something about Garroth and that he wants to hit on you...? You may wanna destroy him..."


"Just don't kill him!" I laughed, there's the spunky Katelyn Firefist I know! 

Now... I can go and see Aaron...


ZANE, MEET THE ASHIDA FAMILYWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu