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"Zane?" a voice whispered. It was Nana, she was finally awake, after all these hours of waiting. 

"Good, you're awake. How do you feel?" the doctor asked her. 

I sat beside her, I actually couldn't believe it. She was finally awake. Her eyes were open, she was talking and she was moving her right arm! It was something I wanted to see for the last day since she fell off the horse. 

She glanced out the window, I guess she didn't know it was the next day from when she was last awake. I mean, doesn't everyone do that when they wake up in the mornings? But this time it was different since she didn't put herself to bed. 

(Cut and pasted from previous chapters, with a touch of editing)

"My head hurts, my arms hurt, my chest hurts, but other than that I feel fine," she said weakly.

"Define fine," I joked.

"Not okay," she sighed, she didn't seem to be in the mood for my jokes.

"That's okay, seeing that you had two operations and a concussed head in one day," the doctor replied.

"But one thing I do know is that I'm starving!" she said, laughing weakly.

"Well, we can organize some food to come to your room. But we should probably catch you up on what has happened so far," the doctor said, now seated in the chair by the door.

"Based on what we know, you fell off a horse with a lot of force, you were taken to a doctor's clinic and then flown to Falcon Claw via. helicopter. The doctors gave you an MRI scan, and we discovered, that you shattered your left arm and had a concussion. You were given a technical surgery to find all the parts of the bone in your arm, and to put a splint inside to help the bones get fixed up. You have a nasty scar now, but that's ok. You woke up 2 hours later. Then your chest was bleeding, covering all of your sheets. The doctors gave you another surgery and they found a fragment of stone in there, then you were stitched. And here you are now." he explained, "If you don't have any problems, you can go home tomorrow." We nodded in agreement, Nana just groaned, "I'll leave you two be," the doctor said. "The nurse will come in a few minutes with some food," he added. "Um, Mr Ro'Meave do you need anything?"

"No, I'm okay. I had breakfast in the cafe this morning," I replied. "Thank you."

"No problem, just doing my job. I'll check on you in a few hours before my shift ends," he said as he left the room. 

"Zane?" she asked.

"I'M SO GLAD YOU'RE OKAY!" I practically yelled, hugging her, without trying to hurt her. 

It was hard to see her in a hospital bed, being almost helpless. I reminded her that Remmi wanted to speak to her when she woke up. It was almost 24 hours since she fell off that horse. And only half an hour of that I could even talk to her. 

The nurse came into the room and gave Nana a tray of food. Her breakfast, or lunch, or maybe even her brunch. She could barely hold her spoon with the needle in her hand. 

(Trust me on that, I had my tonsils out in March and I couldn't move my hand when the needle was in my hand...) That's not true, I coloured a picture and other things to keep me occupied.

So... I kind of fed her... I felt very comforted seeing Nana smile again. It was cute.

"Um, Zane? What's in the bag?" she asked, referencing the pink bag that Remmi had brought when she was visiting yesterday. 

"Oh. I didn't see much of it. But Remmi said there were clothes, toiletries, and a few other things. And I found a phone charger in there. So, I charged my phone," I replied.

ZANE, MEET THE ASHIDA FAMILYWhere stories live. Discover now