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I'd been stuck in a hospital bed all day. I mean, it was fun in the beginning, not having to worry about anything, having Zane feed me since I can't do it myself and watch YouTube all day. 

But eventually, my hospital room got boring. Very quickly. 

You remember how Aph was going to come and visit me, well I only thought that she wouldn't, and I thought that she was only kidding. But she actually did come over. 

Around four in the afternoon, Zane went for a walk around Falcon Claw, just when Aphmau had come around to visit. I mean, I can't blame him if he wanted to go for a walk, after being stuck in the room with me all day. 

As he left, 5 minutes later, Aphmau had arrived. "Hey KC," she said as she popped her head into the room. 

"Hi Aphmau~Senpai," I replied. 

She was wearing a purple jumper, navy jeans and a navy winter coat. Her raven hair was tied into space buns, with ribbons around them. On her feet, she had black knee-high boots.

"Did I come at a good time or a bad time?" she asked, sitting in the chair which Zane had adopted. 

"A good time, well, I think. The nurse changed the drip an hour ago and Zane just left for a walk." 

"Yea. I know, I just bumped into him when I was leaving the room," she said, glancing back at the door.

"I presumed so," I answered.

"Okay, you know, Aaron and I have finally found a date for the wedding." 

I know Aphmau was bracing herself for the squeal, but I didn't. "When will it be?" I asked.

"Woah, Woah, Woah, KC? Where's the squeal? I was going to expect that from you, you know."

"I know you would expect that from me, but since I'm in a hospital, if I squeal they'll probably think something is up and they'll come to check on me, so yeah..."

"Ohh, well the wedding date is on April 21st."

"So, a spring wedding, that'll be nice."

"I know, I was also looking at dresses and stuff like that."

"Have you found anything you like yet?"

"Not yet, but I'd like you, Lucinda and Melissa, as my bridesmaids."


"And Katelyn as my maid of honour, so yeah, I'm not kidding."

"I'd love to be your bridesmaid Aphmau!"

"Great! And we have Abby as our flower girl, and Aaron has chosen Garroth as his best man."

"Awesome. The wedding planning must be fun."

"And his groomsmen are Laurance, Zane and Blaze."


"And yeah, the planning but very stressful to make it perfect."

"Yeah, I can imagine that."

"So, we could-" Aphmau began but then I had suddenly remembered something, something horrible. 

I did a very loud gasp sound. "What is it KC?" Aphmau asked, "Are you okay?"

"I just remembered something! I'm going to be wearing a cast for the wedding photos! Darn it!" 

"Ohh, yeah... Well, we'll figure something out, maybe give you a long-sleeved gown or something like that. Don't worry KC, we'll figure something out, we've got 4 months you know."

"I guess so, but I'm a little bummed."

"I hear ya. But anyway, at least you can help me choose my dress, and I'll help you find your bridesmaid dress, you know returning the favour? And we also need a place for a dress shop and the reception, the wedding invites will need to be posted in a few weeks." 

"Or you know, it could be a Christmas gift for your mum," I pointed out.

"Heh, that's true," she considered.

"I'll help you, that wouldn't ever be a no."

"I'm really excited you know."

"Of course you would be, if I was a bride I would feel the same."

"Well, that can be arranged," she snickered.

"What was that?"


Aphmau and I spent an entire hour hands on (well for me 'hand'), on the preparations. It was actually really fun. But the best part is that I get to be a BRIDESMAID! 

When Zane returned, I was really happy, well, happy that he was back but the fact I was excited for my ship's wedding. Aphmau left around half past six when visiting hours were over. 

I had at least a hundred tests over the next few hours, and throughout the next day. Some on my blood, some on my brain, some on my arm, some x-rays. A little bit of everything to be honest. 

So I had to spend another day at the hospital. Tomorrow morning, I get to leave. But I have long-while injuries, and they'll be in the way for a lot of things. Well, at least I'm still alive...


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