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Nana had finally woken up, we talked for a few minutes until she saw her scar bleeding, just like how it did when it was first cut. It stained her hospital gown, her blanket and the bedsheets. I panicked and pressed the nurse button. Even when the nurse arrived she panicked, getting two other nurses to help. 

The first nurse gave her a needle which knocked Nana out again. They lifted her onto another bed and took her to another surgery. Her bed was covered in blood, it was hard to believe that much blood could come out of a deep scar, which was first sliced over 6 months ago. 

Everything happened so fast. The next thing I know, Nana is in surgery again. It was half past five that afternoon. Five hours after she had first fallen off that horse. It had been five hours and I could barely talk to her since our time together was so short. 

I went to the OR's window and saw that Nana had ventilation over her face and the doctors were checking to see if there was anything that triggered the bleed, then they could stitch it up. 

I felt really bad seeing her like that. Little did I know, it would be the next day I could hear her speak again. 

I was sitting in the waiting room near the window. I had her and my phone in my hand. Her screen was smashed from the fall. I thought I could text everything the news, and it wouldn't be good. Just before I had the urge to text everyone, I was interrupted. 

By Remmi. 

Not the person I was expecting to see. 

"Hi Zane," she said, I looked up at her, her eyes were puffy. For a second I had accidentally mistaken Remmi for Nana. 

"Oh. Hi Remmi. Why are you here?" I asked.

"I wanted to see Nana and drop some things from mum since she's a wreck and then I offered after hearing the story from your parents and mine," she explained, "Where is she?"

"In there," I said pointing to the OR. I stood up and walked over to Remmi to join her at the window. 

"N-Nana. Is she okay?" 

"N-no. Do you think we should talk about this elsewhere, it's kind of embarrassing to cry in public if you know what I mean." I suggested. 


"My treat."

We began walking out of the hospital to the university's park. We sat down on a bench, just talking. "So how have you been?" she asked. 

"Not so good. I guess not talking to Nana for 5 hours hasn't been doing me any good," I sighed. 

There was an awkward silence between us, but it shouldn't be awkward since she's Nana's sister. But for some reason, it felt awkward. But, the smashing resemblance of Nana in Remmi, make it hard not to talk to her as Nana. But as Remmi. I missed Nana. 

"Sorry. I'm socially awkward. I don't know how to communicate. I didn't know how to talk to people, Nana used to help me with that before she moved away," Remmi confessed. 

"Really? I was like that too. But I guess more on the emo side. I wouldn't talk to anyone since I didn't think anyone liked me. Until Christmas 4 years ago, I made a friend, Aphmau and she's helped me ever since," I explained. I found her Instagram page and showed her the post she made a few years ago without asking me. 

That photo was embarrassing. But it was one of the only ones I had of her. 

Remmi laughed, "I wish I had a friend like that. Nana was like that to me until she moved out with Katelyn and another girl." 

"Woah, Woah, Woah. Back up there. You know Katelyn?" 

"Yeah. In her first year of Falcon Claw Uni, I met her as a senior meif~wa scout. She knew me as Remmi Ashida, and she didn't mention anything about Nana. Even though I know they were close friends in high school. I called her whenever I could. Then after she found out Nana's real name she asked me if I was her sister. And then we met up again at her place when Nana was out of the house. She was probably on a date with you. Then she told me about Zane~Chan and a whole lot of other things. She also told me a secret since we're close about something happening in Starlight. I wasn't allowed to tell anyone," She explained.

"I'll have to admit that was a lot."

"Yeah. Well, anyway. I have 4 questions for you since it looks like you're going to marry my sister soon, seeing how close you two are, so I wanna get to know you."

"W-What? Oh Okay? Go for it."

"One. Do you like anime? Two. How old are you? Three. What kind of anime do you like, and be honest. And four, how did you meet Nana?" she explained. 

"Okay, one, I do like anime, two, I'm twenty-nine. Three, I like My Little Horsies, but don't tell anyone. And four, I met Nana back in high school, but she was a weird anime fanatic, in my opinion. Then I snuck her to Starlight so she could see her ship Aarmau, we were in a haunted house running away from our friend Kim, no need to explain and then she confessed to me there and we kissed."

"On the lips?"

"Yeah. So, do you need to go soon?"

"Yeah, I do actually. I need to be home for dinner, so I can explain everything that's happening with Nana."

"That's alright. It was nice talking to you."

"Same here. Oh, and I want to speak to Nana when she wakes up, my number is in the bag I brought. Your mum packed the bag, with clothes, toiletries, the whole lot." 

"Tell them I appreciate it, thank you."

"Plus, you're parents are staying with us for a little while."

"Oh, great. Tell everyone we'll see them when Nana is discharged. Hopefully before Christmas this weekend."

"No problem. Good luck," she said walking away. She had left the bag with me. I got out Nana and I's phone, since she's asleep, it would be a great time to break into her phone. No, kidding, but I did do it. You know for fun reasons, no need to explain. I put her phone on top of mine, since I know the code. I've seen her enter it hundreds of times. 

Her home screen was a cute photo of her and me. I went into her photos, lots of Aarmau, selfies with her friends, outfit choices, and her other selfies, she had tons. 

Most of them being her and I. 

Looking at all these photos, I missed Nana. But she was in surgery and I couldn't see her. I came across a really good selfie, taken a few months ago. 

I ordered takeaway for dinner and went back to the hospital. Nana had been taken to a new room, one closer to the operation room in case she needed another surgery. I hoped not. 

I peered inside, she was still asleep, no surprise. I sat next to her after I shuffled a chair to her bed. I kissed her cheek. No purring, no smile. I knew she wasn't feeling good at all. I put my hand face down and moved her wired hand on top. I rested my head on the bed and fell asleep. 

I woke up a couple of times checking her. She still wasn't awake...


ZANE, MEET THE ASHIDA FAMILYWhere stories live. Discover now