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Garroth and Vylad stayed for dinner at my parent's house, and their parents too. By the time we drove home and arrived back, it was around seven. Zianna and mum made dinner together, I admirably noticed that they're a great team. 

I wanted to get changed into something other than that dress, but every time I wanted to get up, I was asked if I needed any help, or if someone wanted to talk to me. 

I wasn't pregnant so I can do anything I want. They were acting as if I had suffered the worst injuries in the world, a broken arm and a concussion aren't that bad, the doctors said so themselves. But the cast was itchy, and I wasn't allowed to scratch it.

The only benefit of shopping with everyone was, that now I had many new outfits for the summer and I didn't need to pay for any of them, but on the plus side, I had finally chosen a present for Zane. Which was hard. But I remembered that a gift is a perfect gift, as long as it comes from the heart. And I had that in mind throughout the time I was choosing his Christmas present. 

You remember my family who was visiting, only eight of my siblings came last night. Except, Ami, Mikai and their families live nearby. 4 of them live in Falcon Claw, they drove down for a visit, and the remaining two who were there were Remmi and Haruto who live here. The other four of my siblings, who weren't at the dinner/reunion, well, I have no idea. They may be travelling, but no one knows with them anymore.

We had a delicious stroganoff for dinner with spiral pasta. It was good, better than when my mum usually makes it. This time she had Zianna to help her and Zane says that his mother had perfected so many recipes.

But you know, he still thinks that my sweets are the best, mainly my cupcakes. After dinner, Garte was in my dad's study taking a business call or something, while Zianna and mum were getting ready for dessert. 

My dad's study is off-limits to everyone unless you're invited in. Meanwhile, the rest of us were sitting at the table. Except, Remmi wasn't sitting, more like squirming in her seat. 

"Remmi! Why are you squirming in your seat? Do you need to go to the toilet or something?" mum protested. 

"No!" Remmi exclaimed, then sighed, "There's a new episode of Fruits Basket on in twenty minutes! I HAVE to watch it! It's only exclusive for tonight!" she explained. 

"I mean, you can't argue with good anime," I stated. 

"Remmi, why can't you just stream it?" Vylad asked. 

"I was just thinking that," Haruto said. 

"I might be able to, but it said it was exclusive and it's the best episode ever! You know, when Kyo and Tohru-" Remmi began. 

"Do not finish that sentence!" Haruto exclaimed, Remmi stuck out her tongue at him. 

"If you say so." mum said. 

"So, Mum, what's for dessert?" I asked, she turned around and smiled. 

"Cheesecake," she said. 

Cheesecake is one of the best homemade desserts, known to man. The soft firm crust, the sweet but not too sweet cream and ricotta cheese and the melted sugar on top. 

As she said that, Remmi, Haruto, dad and I's eyes glowed. "Is it that good?" Garroth asked. 

Okay, I agree with Zane on this, Garroth can be very, very stupid sometimes. Mum's famous cheesecake is legendary. 

"Is it?" Zane asked. Now Zane was being stupid. You can never, ever question her cheesecake! NEVER!

"I need it!" Remmi stated. 

ZANE, MEET THE ASHIDA FAMILYWhere stories live. Discover now