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So, now Zane's parents were joining us. I turned around to look back at the mansion. I saw some of my siblings, who are older than me seemed to be jealous. So jealous in fact that they stuck out their tongues at me and gave me death stares.

The six of us - mum, dad, Zianna, Garte, Zane and I - went to my parent's white van. Mum and Zianna sat in the two front seats. Dad and Garte sat in the middle, talking about business and catching up. And finally, Zane and I sat in the back seats. Before mum even turned on the car, Zane passed me an earphone and it was playing soft classical music, but he was willing to change it to something else. 

As I predicted mum and Zianna played Beyonce music... and loud. I rested my head on Zane's shoulder. Zane put his hand over mine, I closed my eyes, so I could listen to the music and enjoy the moment. I could see Zianna peering over to see the two of us and she was taking more photos.

"Zane, Nana, um, what should we do today?" mum asked. I lifted my head from Zane's shoulder. 

"Um... Maybe we can show them around the town on foot? Then maybe we can have lunch, then we could go to the equestrian centre and the ice skating rink? Oh, and to see the waterfalls!" I suggested, trying to remember all the great things that my hometown had to offer. 

"I agree with this plan," Zianna said. 

"Sounds good," mum said, (we hadn't started driving yet, but the music was on) she turned around to look at our dads, "Mamoru? Garte? Will this work?" she asked.

"Whatever you two want," They said in unison. 

"Zane?" I asked him. 

"I'm all for the equestrian centre," he replied. 

"Okay, then it's settled then," Mum said, "Thanks, Nee."

 I blushed, it was kind of embarrassing when my parents call me by my nicknames. Such as Cherry-Nee, or Nee and stuff like that. But, Zianna and Garte (mainly Zianna) call Zane, ZuZu, which is cute. And I know that Zane thinks my nicknames are cute too. 

Mum drove us to the parking near the river at the entrance of the town. "So guys, here's the plan. We'll give you a tour and come back, then we'll drive to a restaurant and have lunch. We'll then do some sightseeing and look at the waterfalls. Then we'll drive to the equestrian centre and then to the ice skating rink. Then we'll head back and Zianna and I can start dinner. Sound good?" Mum said once she'd parked. 

"Sounds like a plan," Zane replied, I nodded in agreement.

All 6 of us, got out of the car. And we walked back into our groups. Our mums were in the front, our dads were in the middle and we were in the back. 

Zane had his arm around me and I was resting my head on his shoulder. "How's your scar going?" Zane asked. 

"It's getting better, sometimes it tears but this morning I put a bandage on it so in case it bleeds it won't be very noticeable," I explained. 

"That's good. We don't wanna talk about you know what again."

"Yeah," I answered.

"What are you two talking about?" mum asked. 

"Nothing!" we snapped in unison. 

"Uh-huh. Didn't sound like it," she replied, she said crossing her arm.

"I think they were talking about scars." Zianna said, I saw Zane give her a dead stare, "Mental Scars, so, Alanna..." she said turning back to my mum. 

"Good thing they didn't find out," I said. 

Zane kissed me on the head. Zianna turned back to us, "Nana, I have a question. Are you pregnant?" 

"What? No!" I exclaimed, "Why does everyone keep asking me that," I said, under my breath.

"So what are you two talking about!?" Zianna asked. 

"We weren't talking about anything, nothing that would concern you anyway! Because you already know," Zane replied.

We kept on walking around the town, firstly beside the lake. There was a soft breeze, making it a little chilly. 

My small town, Alyssa Falls, has the most cherry blossoms in the country. During the early winter, the trees are bare after the maroon leaves fall. In later winter the cherry blossoms re-bloom and slowly fall during spring. During the summer the leaves turn maroon and stay like that throughout autumn, which gives it the perfect Halloween look. And then the cycle starts over. 

Cherry blossoms truly are the prettiest tree/flower ever.

The day I was born, September 10th, our cherry blossom tree from back in O'Khasis blossomed. And there were a few cherry blossoms on the tree. The weather was beginning to cool down and the blossoms had gotten confused in the months and seasons. But, I had always thought of it to be a sign. 

Even my name is Nana Sakura Ashida, Sakura means 'cherry blossom' so I've always thought of the cherry blossom as my tree.

Cherry blossoms aside, there was still a lot my town had to offer. 

Such as a skateboarding park, waterfalls, an arcade, the bakery, the annual blossom fair, swimming pools, the lake/canal, the Blossom River Walk (the walking path), the equestrian centre, an ice skating rink, an RSL and many delightful restaurants. 

My parents and I showed the Ro'Meaves around the town. I think Zane's favourite parts were the equestrian centre (but we only showed the entrance when we passed it), the bakery and the arcade. 

We went back to the car and drove to my favourite childhood restaurant. 

Zane was complaining quietly to me that his legs were hurting. Well, we were walking for two whole hours. Remember, Zane is a fat little nugget. So, Zane was happy when we went back into the car. 

The restaurant was called 'Blossom Falls Restaurant'. I'm mentioning that Blossom Falls is another name for the town, because of all the cherry blossoms and the waterfalls. The waterfall is the source of the lake's flow through the outskirts of Alyssa Falls. 

When we arrived at the restaurant we got a table for six. 


ZANE, MEET THE ASHIDA FAMILYWhere stories live. Discover now