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I hadn't seen Zane since we arrived home from Alyssa Falls, after Katelyn and I's streaming session yesterday, and I haven't heard anything from Remmi since her visit last night. 

Anyway, today would be the day that Zane reveals our house for us to live in. Anything as long as it's with Zane is perfect by any standards. I had gotten myself ready for the day and had been waiting in the sitting room, for the doorbell to ring and off, we go. 

Finally it rang, I jolted up and swung the door open, "Hey Z- WHAT!?" I yelled, in front of me were three people I honestly didn't want to see for a LONG time, I put on a fake smile, "Mum, Dad, Haruto! Er, what're you doing here?" I asked.

"Well, after seeing how happy you are here in Phoenix Drop, and so close to O'Khasis with the Ro'Meaves, we decided to move back here!" Mum explained.

"WHAT?" I exclaimed.

"We're even moving next door to the Ro'Meaves! Just like old times!" she added.


"Cherry, is this your house? It's lovely."

"It's really nice!" Haruto chirped.

"Hey, KC, what do you think about this-" Katelyn began, coming down the stairs, holding one or two outfits, while she was clearing out her closet. I almost warned her but lost the chance.

"Are you Nana's roommate?" mum asked, "I'm Alanna, it's so nice to meet you!"

She pulled a face at the scene, "Hi... er, KC..."

"Mind if we come in?" dad questioned.

"S-sure, I-I guess so." I stuttered.

"Who are these people?" Katelyn inquired.

"Myparentsandyoungerbrother," I said quickly.

"Right... It was nice meeting you all," Katelyn announced, leaving for her room again. 

"Traitor," I mumbled.

"Hey Nana, are you ready for," Zane said confidently after seeing the from door open, he almost screamed.

"Oh, hey Zane!" Haruto cheered.

"Zane!" mum exclaimed, giving him a tight hug. Zane wasn't at all impressed, I know all he wanted was a perfect day, for him and me, and to enjoy the beginning of our new lives.

"Oh, my Irene... what're you doing here?" Zane asked, trying to sound surprised, and happy about the surprise, good thing he was wearing his mask.

"Nana, honey, where does Garroth live?" mum questioned, I groaned as Zane facepalmed.

"Why?" I asked.

"I just wanna see where he lives, is that a problem?" she clarified.

"Zane, go." I whispered, he saluted and ran back to his house as fast as his fat lil' nugget legs could carry him. 

Dad began waving his hand in front of my face, "Nana?" he asked.

"Why don't you guys stay here for a little while? I made some cupcakes yesterday, we could have morning tea," I suggested, which should at least buy Zane and the others at least half an hour or so. 

"Alright." they agreed, and I led them to the kitchen where they sat at Ka Katelyn and I'm small dining table, I passed them all a fresh cupcake - vanilla cupcake with strawberry icing - the ones from Mrs Oates' recipe. 

"Very nice Nana," dad told me.

"It melts straight in your mouth! It's delicious!" mum complimented.

Haruto was stuffing his cupcake in his mouth, "It's so good!"

ZANE, MEET THE ASHIDA FAMILYWhere stories live. Discover now