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We went to Amber Port, I dragged Zane over with me and chose out an off-shoulder light pink top to buy. "That's beautiful," Zane said. 

"Really?" I asked. 

"Well, anything's beautiful if it's on you," he said. 

"Zane! Stop it!" I said, nudging him playfully. 


"Honey, why are you so angry?" I asked Mamoru. 

"I feel like they're hiding something..." he accused. 

"What do you mean?" I inquired. 

"The scar, I know I could've sworn I saw part of a scar on the top of Nana's chest during the dinner, and then a little while ago the ears and tail from Garroth. Zianna and Garte are humans, I know them well, so how did Garroth become one? It doesn't make sense," he explained. 

"Mamoru, stop. Everything is okay. And if they're hiding something, they'll probably tell us when they're ready," I said. 

"Fine. I'll stop worrying over that, tiny little thing. It was stupid of me to think that, it's none of our business, thanks," he said. 

"Of course." I smiled. 


I managed to escape from Nana while she was shopping. Garroth, Vylad and I were quietly talking as a group, trying to be quiet about what we can and can't tell Alanna and Mamoru and the rest of her family. It was condescending for Garroth to pop out his ears and tail in front of everyone. 

"Let's keep this under wraps," Vylad said. 

"What's under-wraps?" Remmi asked, walking over to us, clutching a steaming coffee cup in her hands.

"What are you doing here!?" I exclaimed. 

"Waiting for Nana to finish paying," she said. "What were you two talking about?" 

"Adult business," Garroth said quickly. 

"How old do you think I am!?" she exclaimed, putting her hands on her hips, she looked offended. 

"19?" Vylad guessed, I mentally facepalmed. 

"I'm 25! I'm NOT a baby, and anyway, I would have been able to hear your conversation. Since I'm an adult too. Plus, my parents would've been able to hear that too," she explained. 

"Personal adult business," I said. 

"Got it," she smiled as if nothing happened. 

"Speaking of adult stuff, in a few days I'm meeting up with my girlfriend, we're going to watch as much Star Wars as we can in one day. Streaming almost everything! First, the prequels, the clone wars, then rebels, then the original trilogy and then-" Vylad said. 

"She's dating you and doesn't know Star Wars?" I asked. 

"She's usually really busy, she's got a big job and all, so she doesn't stream much," Vylad said. 

(TwincessAshoka, what was the girlfriend you were hinting for Vylad!?)

"That sounds fun." Nana said, walking over to us, with a shopping bag in her right hand, "Well, the star wars part for you of course," she added. 

"Well, Star Wars is awesome!" Vylad exclaimed. 

"Heh, remember that Baby Yoda plushy you had when you were little, Vylad?" Garroth said. 

"Yeah, I do actually. What about Yody?" he asked. 

"(I laughed), I remember! You called him Yody! That was hilarious!" I laughed. Vylad looked serious again. "Whatever," I said sarcastically. 

"Do you still have him?" Garroth asked. 

"Yeah, I do actually," Vylad recalled. 

"Hey, boys! Do you wanna stay with us for dinner tonight?" Alanna asked, Garroth and Vylad. 

"OMI! Yes, girlfriend! That's an awesome idea! Please GarGar? Please VeeVee?" Mum pleaded with them. 

"Why aren't you pleading Zane?" Garroth protested. 

"Because he's already staying with us! And he doesn't have a choice at the moment, he already is staying with the Ashida's for the holidays," Mum explained. 

"Oh. Umm, sure. Okay." Garroth said. 

"Fine, I'll do it too." Vylad agreed. Alanna and mum squealed, jumping up and down, hand in hand. That dinner could go either way, it could be really good. 

Or it can be, really, really bad... 

Hopefully, Garroth won't be stupid... or spill any beans...


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