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PS: My little brother took his first steps today! :)
[2022 Edit: That crazy vicious creature...]


"You're in for a battle!" I exclaimed, chucking a snowball at his stomach.
"You know it!" Remmi agreed.


"Owie!" Haruto screeched, "It's on!"

"But I thought it was already on!" Garroth whined.

"It is," Zane said throwing a snowball at Garroth, hitting him on the head. 

Even with a broken (shattered) arm, we still managed to have a ton of fun. In some way we were split into two teams, Garroth, Zane and Vylad VS me, Remmi and Haruto.

We didn't have an announcer, so we used Haruto.

"On this team, um, it's team Ro'Meave!" Haruto improvised, "And on this side, is- I seriously don't know how to do this. It's team Ashida."

"That was horrible!" Remmi exclaimed.

"I can go on the boy team if you want." Haruto challenged.

"No!" Remmi and I yelled.

"Mm-hmm," he replied.

"Well, at least we have 6 arms over here, compared to the 5 arms on the other team." Garroth teased, and I gave him a death stare.

"Well, we have 6 eyes, compared to the 5 over there," I said casually chucking snowballs at them.

"Don't make me feel guilty!" Garroth exclaimed.

"Mm, guilty enough," Zane said chucking a snowball at his brother.

"I hope you all know that the left hand is weak," Vylad said, who is right-handed.

Remmi, Haruto and I are all right-handed, but... yep...

"Hey!" Garroth and Zane protested together and threw snowballs at their brother in unison.

They're lefties... (Garroth's ambidextrous)

"At least they agree on something for once," I said.

"And now Vylad has lost his teammates," Remmi added.

"Yeah, thanks a lot," Zane said sarcastically.

"Right-handers just don't understand the importance of this hand," Garroth said proudly.

"For once I agree with you there," Zane replied, to his older brother and they fist-bumped.

Then somehow Zianna burst through the front door just as they fist-bumped. And she went a little bit crazy. Maybe more like hysterical. Something like this...

"Oh my, Irene! Two of my boys are getting along! Eeeee! Finally! They're not enemies anymore and it took them 29 years to learn that! Aww!" she squealed. 

The six of us just watched her, bracing our ears, and we didn't talk, Zane sunk into the snow fort, and the rest of us didn't move a muscle. Haruto was frozen with his arm in the air with a large-ish ball of snow.

"Zianna!" Garte exclaimed, "Sorry guys, continue your game, er, fight, thingy," he said pushing Zianna back inside the house. 

"That happened," Vylad said.

"Yeah..." Remmi trailed.

"Okay, I seriously can't feel my arm." Haruto said as the snow fell, "Argh!" he exclaimed, running around in circles, holding his arm helplessly.

I shrugged at Zane and he make the cuckoo sign at his brothers making me laugh.

"What's so funny?" Remmi asked, who heard me laugh.

"Um... Haruto." I improvised. Nah, it was technically the 'Zane charm' but I obviously couldn't tell her my younger sister who barely has any experience in boys that.

"So do we uh?" Garroth asked, as Remmi through another snowball at him.

"Yeah, I think so," she said proudly.

The snowball fight was fun, even if we spent most of it 'trash-talking' each other. But it was seriously worth it. Even with a broken arm. 

When we went inside, we spent about half an hour thawing off at the fire, then had some lunch. 

Later, Remmi and I spent time together, by watching some anime together, just like the good old days. 

We managed to smash 7 episodes of Fruits Basket on Disney+ in a row. 

I bet Zane had found something to do, and he sure did...


ZANE, MEET THE ASHIDA FAMILYWhere stories live. Discover now