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I woke up to a wonderful winter morning. The sun was shining, there was a fresh white blanket of snow covering the ground, the cherry blossoms dripping crystallised water from its flowers, which fell onto the snow. The warming sun shone through the glass windows. 

By my side was my sleeping beauty with pink hair, golden eyes (which were currently closed) and black cat ears, purring quietly. Nothing could make this morning any better. 

I curled a strand of Nana's pink hair around my finger and kissed her cheek gently. A smile crossed her face, just the way it was meant to. Today was just going to be a normal lazy day, full of relaxation and fun. 

Nana's hometown is lovely and the cherry blossoms make the place complete, without them the place wouldn't be itself. 

Ever since the fall, the memories just haunt me when I feel that everything is feeling fine. The fall went through my mind again in slow motion, then the slicing of Nana's chest back in Starlight before she fell unconscious, then her operations and all the fights when we defended ourselves against the Guardian Forces and the demon warlock. Each memory was full of fear and terror. 

I leaned against the wall, breathing heavily, catching my breath, it was too much for me to handle. That trip down memory lane was horrible and didn't do me any good, it was as if the devil himself was trying to mess with my mind. Irene, please help me. Just snapping out of my gaze, I felt a hand on my shoulder. 


"Arghhhhh!" I screamed, jumping up into the air and falling on my backside. I was trying to catch my breath. That. Was. Terrifying. Nana was giggling by my side. "What's so funny?" I asked sarcastically. 

"N-nothing. But I have to say that face you made was priceless!" she cried, laughing even harder than she was before, even hugging her chest to keep her lungs inside of her. 

"Of course, you'd think that it would be funny," I said, she was still laughing. 

"I-I can't stop!" she exclaimed, "That was hilarious! I can't laugh anymore," she laughed. After realising what I had done and imagining my reaction, I joined in with her laughing. 

There was a knock at Nana's bedroom door. I walked over and unlocked it, standing there were Remmi and Haruto. Nana and I tried to contain our laughter. 

"Are you guys okay?" Haruto asked. 

"We heard a scream and a big thump and-" Remmi said concernedly. She was completely interrupted by Nana and I's hysterical laughter, which was getting a little old...

I had forgotten there were other people in this house right now...

"Is everything okay?" Remmi asked. 

"Are you two drunk?" Haruto accused. 

"No, we're not. And we're fine. Just laughing at something that just happened, and the laughing may have gotten out of hand." I confessed. Trying to keep the giggles stifled in my mouth, Nana was doing the same. As we looked at each other, Nana was smiling and biting her lip, and then our stored laughter exploded. 

"Oooooookkaaayyyyyy... there's a really weird vibe in this room right now.... so, I'm just gonna go, ya know, while I still can, see ya!" Haruto said disappearing into his bedroom. 

"Yeah.... me too..." Remmi said sliding into her room and slamming the door behind her. 

When they had left I closed the door behind me. "You should've seen their faces!" Nana exclaimed as soon as she heard the lock on the door snap. 

"Yeah! I know!" I laughed. 

"Nana? How's your arm?" I asked. 

"Heavy, you know without the sling. My chest hurts from all the laughing though." she said, "Are you okay? I saw you breathing heavily against the wall as I woke up, what happened?" she asked. 

"Just a nasty trip down memory lane. So... lazy day, huh? Whatcha wanna do?" I asked.

I could see she was thinking. She pushed me against the door playfully and held my face gently with her hand. And I closed my eyes as her lips pressed against mine. 

"Ponies... play... and fun," she said in between breaths. 

"What kind of... fun?" I asked. 

She stopped and looked up at me. 

(Nana is just taller than Aph, btw)

"Us-fun," She smiled. 

"Sounds good," I said. 

We got ready for the day and went downstairs, following the delicious waft of breakfast.  We found mum and Alanna cooking the food. 

"Oh good, they're back to normal!" Remmi remarked. 

Almost everyone was downstairs except Garroth and Haruto, let me guess Garroth is staring and talking to himself in the mirror again. 

"Ha-ha, very funny," Nana said sarcastically. 

"Back to normal?" Alanna asked. 

"Yeah, we're not going to talk about it," I stated. 

"Morning you two lovebirds," Mum said with a tinge of singing in her voice. 

"Morning," Mamoru said. 

"So.... whatcha making?" I asked. 

"Well, I'm glad you asked," Mum smiled. 


Boom! Chapter finished! This is going to be one not-so-good jampacked day for Zane and Nana, and I can't wait to write it! 

And we're almost on 2K, hopefully, two more days! 

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