Part 15 ~ Ice Pick

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Faith is watching Allison and Scott climb the rock wall in gym class, while she talks to Erica

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Faith is watching Allison and Scott climb the rock wall in gym class, while she talks to Erica.

"So you're going with Stiles?" Faith asks.

"Yeah" Erica says.

"Are you sure it's a good idea?" Faith asks.

"I'll be fine, plus you'll be here to catch me if I fall" Erica says.

"Okay, I guess" Faith says as Scott falls off the wall and onto a mat.

"Stilinski, Erica, The wall" Coach shouts.

Erica and Stiles start climbing the wall and Stiles is finished and down the wall, while Erica is struggling not even halfway up, as she starts whimpering and hyperventilating, "Erica?" Faith asks worriedly.

"Help, please..." Erica says while hyperventilating.

"Erica" Coach shouts up at her. "Dizzy? Is it vertigo" Coach asks.

"Vertigo's a dysfunction of the vestibular system of the inner ear" Faith says still looking up worriedly at Erica while Lydia gives Faith a proud smile.

"She's just freaking out" Lydia says.

"Erica." Coach shouts.

"I'm fine" Erica replies shakily as people start laughing making Faith glare at them.

"Coach, maybe it's not safe. You know she's epileptic." Allison says.

"W-why doesn't anybody tell me this stuff?" Coach says.

"Erica, Erica listen to me okay remember what you told me before, I'm right here okay, just kick off the wall and I'll catch you. I promise." Faith says and Erica nods and kicks off the wall, Faith catches her just like she promised, Erica walks away sad and Faith and the others walk into the girl's locker room, Faith takes off her top off starting to get changed when she gets a feeling like Erica is in trouble so she quickly puts her shirt back on and quickly runs out into the gym, passing Lydia and Allison on her way.

When she gets into the gym she sees Erica about to have a seizure near the top of the wall so she immediately runs over as Allison and Lydia run into the gym, she catches her as she falls laying her on the ground, making sure to lay her on her side just like Erica's mom taught her freshman year.

"How'd you know?" Allison asks as she and other students run in.

"I just felt it" Faith says putting her jumper under Erica's head and letting her squeeze her hand.


Erica 👑💖

Faith 🔥❤️

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