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𝗕lake stared at the white ceiling while laying fully sprawled out on the black comforter that decorated her mattress

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𝗕lake stared at the white ceiling while laying fully sprawled out on the black comforter that decorated her mattress. For the last couple of weeks – more recently, days – her life has been her top contemplation. She couldn't help but feel so stationary. Like where she was in life, wasn't what she wanted. It wasn't something she felt proud of. But the biggest obstacle to it was her relationship with Mason. Part of her felt like he was drifting from her, but the other half argued it was just her overthinking back at it again.

She rubbed her face and rolled over to her side. Mason had made it clear the last thing he wanted was for them to break up. He practically begged her to stay with him. And she did – because she expected change. But still, it all looped back to feeling like she was standing still. Like she and their relationship were going nowhere.

But then why is he so far apart from me ..?

She could never tell what he was thinking. It didn't help that he was so secretive about his life. With her not being a part of the Mafia – in the sense that she wasn't an official member – it was normal for him not to explain where he was going. But that was when it came to missions, or doing things with the other two. Yet, to her knowledge, Rueben and Isaac were here – it was only Mason who was MIA.

To top it all off, they hadn't had sex for weeks. That one time she fatally tried to ask him about it, he purposely fell asleep early – while she was out – so he could avoid it.

Groaning, Blake sat up in her bed and glanced towards the window. The sun had set almost an hour and a half ago, and dusk was finally settled.

He should be home soon. He should have been home by now.

More questions flooded her brain as she contemplated what she actually knew about her boyfriend. As far as she was concerned, his only friends lived in this house – and again, they're here.

So where the hell is he??

She stood, fixing her shirt, and slipped into her nighttime slipper / sandals. The last thing she wanted to be was over – bearing and controlling. Sure, she was protective of him, but that didn't give her the right to suffocate him either. But at the same time, it wasn't like he made it easy on her. Being out at late hours, breaking his norm; he can't exactly expect her to react like nothing happened. She cared way too much about him – about them – for that.

Blake opened her door and walked out, wanting to be in a different mind space. There was no point sitting alone in their room, just to be miserable.

Along the way, she noticed Rueben's door slightly ajar. Soft noises emitted through the crack and she frowned, knowing he didn't breathe that way. Letting her curiosity best her, she looked through the small opening. Rayne laid cuddled in his blankets, a hand under her cheek, fast asleep. She sighed and closed the door as quietly as she could.

Even she is here. There's literally no one else he could be with.

She shook her head vigorously, going back on her earlier statement of trying not to be miserable, and continued down the hallway, stopping again once she was standing in front of Isaac's room.

She softly knocked on the door before pushing it open a second later. Inside Taryn and Isaac were sitting at the edge of their bed, controllers in hand, laughing and playing video games. They were seriously competing and the trash talk happening before her, made a smile grow on her face. Blake leaned against the doorframe and watched them, not being able to help the sadness that grew within.

Why can't Mason and I be like this?

She recalled that there was a time, when they were still teenagers, that their relationship was similar to theirs. They had fun, played games, drank beer, and had great sex. But that was nothing more than a honeymoon phase. If it was true, that phase would never pass. Isaac and Taryn are proof of that.

I wish we could rewind.

"Oh fuck you!" Isaac cowered, grabbing his face in defeat.

"Yeah suck my mother – fucking dick bitch!" Taryn returned, shoving him gently.

Blake couldn't help but let out a soft laugh. They were so pure together.

Her voice caused Taryn to turn and notice her, "Oh hey chica. When did you get here?"

"Like a minute ago," she shrugged.


"What's up?" Isaac asked, standing, and grabbing popcorn from the bowl on the nightstand table.

"I just had a question."

"Do ask," Taryn pressed.

"Have either of you seen Mason?"

The couple looked at each other and exchanged unknowing glances for a minute or so before directing their attention back to her. Before even opening their mouths, she had her answer.

"Nope," Taryn spoke, "I haven't seen him all day."

"The last time I saw him was at the station earlier when Rueben was picked up," Isaac stared at the ground contemplating, "—he hasn't come home yet??"

Blake blinked, even Isaac is confused. Where the hell are you Mason??

"No, he hasn't. And if he has, I didn't see him."

"That's weird," Taryn said slowly, "He doesn't have any other friends. Is he hanging with Rayne?"

"Nah," Blake shook her head, "Rayne's sleeping in Rueben's room."

"Huuuuuh??" Isaac looked dumbfounded, "—with him??"

"No, you nosey motherfucker," she rolled her eyes, "Alone."


Blake nodded, "Anyways – if you see him before I do, can you send him to our room?"

"Y'know I will girl," Taryn gave her a half – smile.

"Thanks," she said briefly, turning and shutting the door again.

She leaned up against the wall, and waited for a minute. Isaac and Taryn got rowdy again, talking about starting another game. Blake pushed off and headed back to her room, wanting to be alone again.

It seemed like she was just not fit for relationships – even if Mason and hers had lasted for two years. She just felt incompatible to the loyal fornicating. She was just bad at them, compared to others.

Blake closed her door and flopped face down on her bed. After shamefully sulking for a good couple of minutes, she tossed the covers onto her body and reached for the remote. She put her favorite Netflix show on and cuddled with a bundle of blankets.

As she drifted into a much needed sleep, all she could think of – wish for – was Mason's soon return.

As she drifted into a much needed sleep, all she could think of – wish for – was Mason's soon return

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