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𝗦he rounded the corner of the back hallways of the Courthouse as she rushed towards the room Rueben's case was being heard in

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𝗦he rounded the corner of the back hallways of the Courthouse as she rushed towards the room Rueben's case was being heard in. She had left during the intermission because she desperately needed a coffee and if she didn't get one soon, the withdrawal migraine might have killed her.

Now, happy with a coffee in hand, and feeling the pain dull out, she continued her walk. She had taken the back way because the front hall was overcrowded with the press. There were a handful of stations that appeared for the beginning, but everyone showed up today; they all desperately wanted to be the first to report on the verdict.

It had always been strange to her how much the mafia family was in the limelight of the press and the public, but it wasn't her rule to change. Emmet built up their name from the dirt when he was handed the title. In retrospect, the arraignment had its perks – the most being that she was hardly recognized when she was not alongside Mason, Rueben, or Isaac. Those three never caught a break.

Taryn tilted her head to the side, trying to crack her neck and relieve some tension as she got to the final corridor. She was about to round it when a familiar yell sounded before it. She almost dropped her coffee, she was that startled.

She pressed herself to the wall and slowly, slightly, turned her head enough to see if her suspicions were correct. And they were.

Standing in the middle of the hallway was Carson Miller. He looked extremely upset; whether that was because of the loss he was about to be handed or not – she couldn't tell. His fingers were pushed into his ear, holding something in place.

When she heard him talk aloud – to someone – she knew for certain he was wearing an earpiece.

"No, L – I've got a handle on it. Let me do it."

A pause.

"The twins aren't even signed yet! You've only got one of them on board!"

Another pause.

"—it'll be too late! By the time he gets his brother to agree to the contract, she will be buried in protection by this fucking family; y'know it as well as I. Plus, I deserve to do this."

Another pause; this time longer.

Taryn sucked in a sharp breath and whipped her head back to the wall as Carson turned around, facing her. When he made no movements to approach her, she slowly let it out.

If the conversation was going to extend, Carson was done replying – at least, that's what she thought. Still, she had enough that it worried her. She turned and slowly tip – toed away from the corridor; she would have to go through the front entrance after all.

When she was far enough away, she started speed walking. Her thoughts ran wild. Thinking about it, Carson was more than likely talking about Rayne. He hated her; they all knew that. And it sounded like he was plotting some type of revenge with a person regarded to by L and a set of twins.

Taryn frowned at the last thought. The only twins that she knew were Rayne and Matteo themselves. She knew that he couldn't have been referring to them as he said 'by the time he gets his brother' – it alluded to it being a pair of male twins.

She shook her head; it didn't matter. All she knew was that this situation was shady and the others need to know about it.


Taryn walked past the random onlookers of the public as she entered the bench her friends were sitting on. Rayne and Rueben were at the front of the room like earlier; the Jury was pouring in from the back room.

She let out a breath and took her spot next to Isaac. She looked past him for a moment and glanced at Blake and Mason; they were oddly close. She stood up straight and ignored them; that's curiosity that will be explored later.

"Isaac," she half – whispered, touching his hand to get his attention.

He looked down at her, "Yes baby?"

"I've got to tell you something."

"What is it?"

She looked up at him, "I was just in the hallway and I saw Carson Miller talking on a microphone in his ear. He was discussing something along the lines of revenge. I remember the conversation word for word but I won't recite it right now. I think I need to tell Rayne and Rueben about it; I'm sure his conversation had something to do with her."

Isaac nodded slowly, "Interesting."

"Do you think I should?"

Taryn turned back to the front of the room, taking her seat alongside everyone else. The verdict was about to be spoken any second now; the Judge was making his way back to his booth.

"I think Elle and Emmet have plans for them if the decision goes the way we want," he unbuttoned his jacket before slipping his hand through hers, "—wait until they get together tonight to talk about it. That way we can all be there to hear it and plan around whatever Carson is brewing."

She nodded and leaned against him, "That's a good idea."

Isaac squeezed her hand in response as the Judge banged his gavel on the table loudly. The conversation in the room fizzed out. Carson was back at his desk, standing up; Rayne was across the room at hers, doing the same.

"Jury – that was a quick deliberation. Are you sure you've reached a consensus?"

They nodded.

The Judge then proceeded to go down the line, starting with Jury Member #1, all the way to #13, asking them personally if they believe what they voted to be true. After a yes from all of them, she sucked in her breath, knowing that this was it.

This decision will make or break Rueben's life.

"Foreman, may you please rise."

Jury Member #12 stood up, smoothing out their suit.

"Let us begin."

She nodded and turned, facing all members of the council.

"On the charge of Possession of an Illegal Firearm, how do you find the defendant?"

"Not guilty, Your Honor."

Taryn let out her breath. He wasn't out the clear yet though.

"On the charge of Second Degree Murder, how do you find the defendant?" 

"Not guilty, Your Honor."

Isaac grabbed her hand harder as she edged to the end of the bench. There was only one more charge being held against him. If he cleared the first two – he should clear the last. Hopefully.

"On the charge of First Degree Murder, how do you find the defendant?" 

"We found him ..."


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