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𝗞ai laid sprawled across his red couch, watching re – runs of some lame American television show from the 2000s

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𝗞ai laid sprawled across his red couch, watching re – runs of some lame American television show from the 2000s. He had been bored out of his mind ever since Mason dropped him off earlier; he honestly wished he could spend the day with him. It was sad, but if he was being truthful with himself – Mason was his only friend. He had pushed everyone from back home away and the people here were so utterly boring he wanted nothing to do with them.

He titled his head to the side and looked at his cellphone again. In the past twenty minutes he had been blowing his phone up, begging for him to see him in person again. Kai wanted absolutely nothing to do with him. Not after how he left things five years ago.

Not after he abandoned him.

He looked back at the TV and let out a breath. Besides, he had plans for the day. Mason was bound to text him any moment asking to come over. He'd made it abundantly clear in the car what he wanted from him.

The thought of their conversation brought a smile to his face. Normally, he couldn't care less about waiting around for a guy to be ready for sex – especially not the newly uncloseted ones, but Mason was different. He wasn't like other people. He was funny, smart, strong – he was just like him if he was born into another life. He was masculine, and didn't judge him for his background, nor did he have to explain to him that he was a murderer.

Kai laughed to himself. Two murderers. What a perfect pair.

His phone vibrated again and this time, he leaned over and grabbed it. He turned it on and noticed three more messages from him, and two from Mason. He opened Mason's first.

got caught up w/ smth.
rain check?

He rolled his eyes and let his phone fall onto his chest; he didn't bother answering him. For someone who was excited to be with him completely, he sure had an odd way of showing it. Still, he couldn't exactly blame him. If it was mafia related – it wasn't like he could say no.

Kai blinked multiple times, realizing how much he was stressing out about Mason. It bothered him – how much he found himself caring. He wanted to tell himself that he was just in it for the chase, to be the first person to fuck him, but he didn't know if that was the truth. At first it was, but after spending so much time with him, back to back, the lines began to blur.

He groaned and sat up. It didn't matter. His pathetic proclamation of his feelings towards Mason at the club was done in a high fuzz and was entirely fabricated. He had no feelings of love, like or anything other than lust towards him.

He wasn't built for loving.

That idea frankly disgusted him.

There was no benefit in falling in love. There was nothing fun about being with the same person every single day for the rest of your life. It was stupid, overplayed. His life was better spent alongside multiple people.

He'd crushed so many hearts in the past – what's one more?

Kai ran a hand through his messy hair as he picked his phone back up again. If Mason wasn't going to come over and entertain him, he had no excuses left. He opened the string of messages from him.

pick up ur phone arsehole
we need to talk.
quit being a wanker.

He scowled at the screen. He knew he had to text him back soon and invite him over; if he didn't, he was just going to show up randomly. That would only piss him off more.

Kai stood and drafted a message, telling him his address and to be over within the next twenty minutes or he could fuck off and not bother him again.

Pftt. Where does he get off calling me a wanker?

Giving him this chance is more than he deserves anyway.

He walked towards the stairs and walked up them, heading towards his room. He needed another shower and change of clothes. Everything was getting on his nerves and he needed to calm down. Showers were the second best way of doing so – the first being putting a bullet between someone's eyes.

Kai pushed open his door and walked to his bed, sitting down for a moment. He pushed his fingers through his hair again and closed his eyes. He knew he'd just invited him over, but seeing him again was something totally different. Having him in front of him – after five years – scared him just about as much as it made him angry.

With the way he left things, Kai never wanted to see him again.

He hated him.

He climbed to his feet again and kicked off his shoes, walking towards the bathroom. If he thought that this reunion was going to be a walk in the park – a welcome home celebration – he was sorely fucking mistaken.

 If he thought that this reunion was going to be a walk in the park – a welcome home celebration – he was sorely fucking mistaken

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