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𝙃ow much longer can I hold myself together? she thought as she stared at her reflection in the bathroom mirror

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𝙃ow much longer can I hold myself together? she thought as she stared at her reflection in the bathroom mirror.

She was hardly doing a good job up to date; she flipped just seeing Mason on his phone, even though she could clearly see he wasn't texting anyone. All that flooded her brain lately was that fatal reminder – that sweet, sing – song voice telling her that she wasn't enough. That she would never be enough, and to stop trying so hard to save a relationship that wasn't going anywhere; one that was broken long before her boyfriend cheated.

Before I cheated.

Blake reached down and turned on the sink faucet, running her hands through the warm water that descended from the tap. She scattered a few droplets across her cheeks, letting the subtle warmth cool the heat from her attitude earlier.

Why am I so afraid of letting him go?

She gripped the edge of the sink tightly, watching the tears pool at the bottom of her eyelids through blurred vision. It wasn't like she enjoyed putting herself into a relationship where she was unhappy – where her significant other couldn't give her everything she wanted, but it's all she's ever known.

Mason falling in love with her two years ago was a surprise in itself. Starting over wasn't something she could handle – she knew that. It was impossible to love someone with her personality.

Especially because I cheated too .. but I'm only letting him take the heat for it.

Am I a horrible person??

She let her head hang down. Insecurity always bested her. It was an enemy she could never deceive – one that she would never be able to get rid of, 'cause at the end of the day, she's the only one who has to live with herself. Everyone else is capable of leaving.

Blake forced her tears to stay put, continuing to clutch the porcelain. She was angry – more than anyone, but mostly at herself – for proving she wasn't enough. And now, all she wanted to do was take it out on another.

Preferably that bitch Mason's fucking—

A loud clatter to the row of lockers behind her started her, causing her to jump out of her thoughts. She looked up and glared at the mirror, locking eyes with the woman she cheated on Mason with – a fucking cop. The loud noise must have come from her slamming her foot against the metal as she leaned against it. It was annoying; if she had something to say, she should be out with it, but no, instead, she'd rather annoy the crap out of her, call her names, and not leave her be with her thoughts.

What the hell is your problem?

Blake stood up straight, flipping her hair over her shoulder as she looked over it, "Do you need something?" she asked, keeping her voice impolite.

"Nope," she answered, staring at her fingernails, "I'm just bored."

"Okay and that is my problem, how?" Blake retorted, "Why don't you be useful and go do your job."

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