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𝗥ueben pulled his shirt over his head as he pushed open the door of his bedroom and walked down the hall towards the kitchen

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𝗥ueben pulled his shirt over his head as he pushed open the door of his bedroom and walked down the hall towards the kitchen. He wiped his forehead, getting rid of the wet droplets that fell down from the blonde strands the hung over his face. He looked up and spotted Emmet eating a piece of toast near the stove and Elle, who accompanied him by sitting on a stool at the island, reading a newspaper and gently swinging her legs back and forth.

"Is it a full house today or something?" he asked, looking at them.

"It was," Emmet replied with a mouthful, "—you slept in and missed everyone else."

He paused, listening to the utter silence that surrounded him. It was a rarity in his household and perplexed him. Where could everyone be? And where was his favorite, small red – head?

"Where's Rayne?"

"You just missed her. She rushed out mumbling something about a man named Christian," Elle shrugged, "she seemed stressed about it."

Oh. Right.

The controlling boyfriend.

"Alright, I'm heading out," Emmet declared, brushing the crumbs from his toast off his fingers, "I just wanted to say goodbye before I left," he walked over to Elle planning a kiss softly on her lips.

"Ew," Rueben rolled his eyes.

"Goodbye Rueben," he spoke, laughing and grabbing his keys, departing from the room shortly afterwards. Elle sat with a smile on her face, reading.

He cocked his head to the side, watching her for a moment. He didn't exactly know what to say to her, nor why she was here or why she stayed either. They weren't that close; he was confused.

Rueben turned after a moment of awkward silence and began to walk away, back towards his room. It wasn't like he minded Elle or disliked her presence; she was an exceptional mother to Beau, but he never really had the opportunity – and likely desire – to get close to her. He had no idea how to talk to her, and after everything he went through with his biological mother, he wasn't sure if he wanted to create that type of bond again.

"Did you sleep well?" she asked suddenly, stopping him mid – walk.

He turned back around, "I slept okay. What about you?"

"Very good. Thank you for asking."

"Yeah, sure," he nodded slowly, not knowing what else to say.

Another awkward moment passed between them. He buried his hands in his sweatpants pockets and kept his head down, unsure if he should turn and walk away again. He didn't want to be rude and leave when she was making an effort to converse with him.

"Come sit with me Rueben," she said softly, patting the open stool next to her.

Rueben shrugged and did as he was told; Elle finally placed her newspaper flatly against the granite top of the island as he got comfortable in his seat.

"Do you think we could talk for a moment?"

"Yeah, of course," he responded genuinely, "What's up?"

A plate of toast sat in the center of the table and his stomach reminded him that he had missed breakfast. He leaned over and dragged the plate close to him and picked up a piece; it was still warm.

"I'd like to talk about our relationship," she spoke sheepishly.

Rueben finished his first slice and reached for another one, "What about it?"

Elle took in a deep breath, "I know that I'm not your mother – nor do I want to replace her, but I want you to know that I am here for you. I want to remind you that I love you unconditionally. I know I entered your life abruptly; especially because I came in during the middle of your father and mother's divorce eleven years ago – and I brought a brat of a step – sister and I was pregnant with Beau, but," she exhaled and placed her hand on top of his, squeezing gently; her cheeks were pink from the rant she just went on, "—I am so grateful that you accepted me as a part of your family when your mother unfortunately passed and I married in nonetheless. I wish for nothing more than to be closer with you. I want to get to know you better. I want to be more than a step – mom who you see only when you come over every blue moon. I want you to be able to feel like you can come to me for anything – whenever you're in any type of trouble. Believe it or not, I truly look up to you Rueben. I admire your strength and courage, despite recent events. Lilliana was only my step – daughter and I struggle to deal with her passing – I can't imagine how you're feeling, yet you don't let it hold you back. It's incredible. You're incredible."

Rueben sat motionless, blankly looking at Elle, mouth full, toast in one hand, the other under hers. Her words shocked him. Had she always thought I didn't love her back? He never really thought about their relationship from her perspective. In his eyes, he had always welcomed her. Even if that disgrace of a step – sister tagged along, he was still grateful for the re – invention of his family. Elle repaired a lot of damage that his mother left in her wake. With his father especially. And she also granted him Beau – the best little brother he could ever ask for. He was his best pal. In his eyes, Elle was always his family.

"I just hope one day you'll let me in and there will be less of an awkward tension between the two of us," she reached up and stroked his cheek softly with the back of her fingers, "You are my son. Blood or not."

He felt heat grow in his cheeks as she lowered her hand. Her words were special. Words of affirmation from a parental figure were something he lacked all his life. He felt speechless and had no idea how to respond to something like that.

"Say something?" Elle spoke again, her eyes searching his.

Rueben cleared his throat and placed his toast down on the table, "Are you busy right now?"

"No, not particularly. I was going to head out soon as I didn't want to invade your space, but I was just going to go back to the manor and relax."

"Great," he stood up, "then you wouldn't mind joining me on the couch to watch some ridiculously stupid comedies? I know it's a lame gesture, but I can't exactly leave the house right now," he shook his leg, showcasing his ankle monitor, "—I share the same desires as you. I'd like to get to know you better, and I'd like to start creating a real bond between us. You've always been a parental figure to me. You've always been my family."

Elle's eyes watered gently as she smiled, "I'd love to Rueben."


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