An Unexpected End

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I really didn't want to leave Anastasia and come to the bank today after we could have done it yesterday and had plenty of time to go buy the house we wanted. But someone delayed Lewis from leaving the house as usual. So here we are hurrying up do to a customers insensitive nature. He just dropped by knowing we had planned on buying a home and needing to get to the bank early to get the cashiers check.
Mom and dad volunteered to watch Anastasia while we went to the bank on both days, but as usual this one guy dropped by causing us to have to delay our trip to the bank. The guy had yet again another time constraint and I had to save his ass yet again. Debra was pretty mad and let him know it. Who wouldn't and add to it just having a baby a month ago. Dan Lincoln seemed to drop by a lot, if I didn't know he was married I would think he was hitting on my wife every time he dropped by.
Lewis and Debra have more patience than I do with this guy. I told Carla I think the guy is making up things just to see Debra. He can't stop looking at every part of her. Lewis and Debra have been delayed buying a house by this Dan guy every time he knows they are looking at one seriously and they are a day late in bidding on a house.
I noticed a lot of thing going on with Dan Lincoln and it is a good thing Ray and Lewis didn't see it. But he tries to touch Debra every time he is here. I finally started getting between them when he tried it again. Debra thanked me for helping her out. She doesn't want Lewis to lose the Lincoln account, but Dan needs to stop. We were finally happy to see him leave. I think he is hoping to find Debra breast feeding the baby, but she is good about not letting that happen. She makes up bottles for times when she can't be with Anastasia. We told them we would watch the baby while they get the cashiers check for the house they finally made the winning bid on.
Dan Lincoln
Debra is one hot number, but no matter what I do she avoids me at all costs. Her mother in law has been getting between us when I get near her. I was brushing against her breast, butt and hips and touching her back and smelling her hair. She won't bite. I have tried to time my visits to see her breast feeding her new baby, but she won't breast feed around me. I know she feeds the baby, because it hasn't cried for anything more than a diaper change. Every time I hear they are bidding on a house I drop by to delay them getting a house. I want to take Debra away from Lewis. It isn't working though.
Debra and I walk into our bank to get the cashiers check to buy our new house. All the sudden a blaze of gunfire goes through the bank. I watch as Debra lays next to me bleeding out I feel something hot in my head and nothingness.
The bullets were flying and I was struck before I knew it. My blood was running out as I see Lewis looking at me just before bullet hits between his eyes. Everything goes black and I am floating hand in hand with Lewis as we are circled in clouds.
Somehow our hands end up together and Debra and I are floating on clouds together. We see our bodies as we float away from everything and everyone.
Policeman Stevens
I hate doing this but I have to inform the Steele family of their son and daughter in laws deaths. I knock on the door and a woman with an infant and a man answers the door. The baby is beautiful about a month old with big blue eyes. I ask them if I can come inside and for them to sit down. I think they knew as soon as they saw me what had happened. The woman's tears were starting to fall from her eyes. I explain that Debra and Lewis Steele were killed in a armed robbery at their bank today. They had to go down and identify the bodies and get their valuables.
I get the baby in her car seat and grab the diaper bag and my wife and help her inside the car. I hand her the Kleenex and we head to the hospital where Anastasia was born at to actually identify my son and his wife's bodies. I have to find an attorney to get custody of Anastasia. We will need to find out what we need to do to keep her with us. I think our neighbor is an attorney. I will check after today.
Tell me it is a mistake Ray and they aren't dead! Please don't be dead. He holds my hand and says if they are we have a baby to raise. I nod we sure do and we will make sure that she knows how much she was loved by them and us.
We see our funerals and my in-laws are very distraught over us. My family are all gone, so the Steele's are all Anastasia has left in the world.
They will take great care of her Debra. See how well I turned out she smiles and says you sure did turn out very nicely. My parents leave with Anastasia in her stroller looking towards the clouds like she is looking right at us and she is cooing like she does see us. Both of my parents see her looking at the clouds and cooing and looks right at us, but not like they can see us like Anastasia seems to.

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