College Mommies

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Anastasia, Mia, and I are part of the mommy groups on the college campus. We have all kinds of help when others don't. So we started trying to find a way to assure the other mommies get some help. Elliott and Christian have been pulled in on this as well. Dodge actually started hiring some of the wives of his military buddies to staff the child care for college kids. He donated a building to the cause one near transportation. They also have set up help getting to and fro from the childcare and home. In sone cases work as well. Anastasia and I are due within weeks of each other, so we are trying to get everything we can in before we deliver our babies. Mia has her hands full, but she married a good man and he is wealthy. No one knew, well Anastasia might have known. She doesn't really talk about others personal business. Even my sister and her misdeeds aren't a topic she talks about.
I am really juggling things around triplets, a business and college. Dodge has decided to resign his commission, but apparently they guilted him into another stint down the line. I don't like it, but he had good reasons for it. After he explained the situation it made good sense, but then I found out about him being the only heir to the Sullivan family I was pretty upset about it all. Until he said he made a choice to serve his country and then retire and build his family's business for his children to take over. He had only taken a small amount of money to make a home for us. Otherwise he pays everything through our businesses incomes. Dad chuckled and told me that he knew Dodge had assets, because he came to him and confessed to him when he asked him for my hand in marriage. He also had dad handle the rewriting of his will to add me and now our triplets.
Kate, Mia and I came in contact with a few college mommy groups and we joined them. It was not what we expected and we really had no need for the services they were offering to help moms get their college degrees. We did ask how we could help out though. That is how we became involved and the whole family pitched in and we got things going in the right direction with the help of the creators of the groups. I am glad we decided to check out the groups. We might not need their services, but their experiences have helped us for raising our babies when they arrive.
I got involved in the plans to help the college mommy groups and helped set up a day or two to do checks on the babies for the ladies. Then I found out they forgot there are single daddies out there as well. They came and asked if they could join the groups, because they needed help as well. I felt embarrassed that we all forget that men get left with their children as well. It is nothing new, men get left with children to care for as well. So the ladies welcomed them to join. Now it's called college parents groups for those who need help. We have single mom's, dad's and young and older couples needing the help. My schedule is really full now. I do three days, but a morning, then an afternoon and then evening. I won't do an overnight unless it is a dire situation.
Andy Jones
I have a six month old boy and girl after my wife passed away in a car wreck and neither of us had family to help us out. The lucky thing was that our twins weren't in the car when she was killed. She was on her way to pick them up. When I saw the groups for single parents groups it was a Godsend for us. I am not the only father in my position and we got together and and joined the groups at first it felt awkward and a few mothers were hostile about us joining the group. We finally made them realize they were being biased against us being males. They backed down and we all fell into helping those who needed help. Apparently they had guys trying to bring their niece or nephews to infiltrate the groups just to con the young ladies into going out with them in hopes of something else happening. A few ended up having to report being raped by a few of the guys. They targeted the young mothers. It is no wonder they don't trust young men any more. It was hard for any of them to trust the guys who were in their same boat after all of the others. Now they have to show ID and birth certificates to the group leaders and they aren't allowed to harass anyone in the groups. Which for me it was a blessing in disguise, because I was harassed a week after joining a group of all young women. The leader got it resolved, but it took cctv footage to prove I was being harassed by three of the young mothers. They were told to stop or leave the group, Jessica London decided she didn't have to listen and finally was arrested and apparently she had been stalking me and a few other guys on the college campus. She filed rape charges on a guy who turned her down and couldn't prove his innocence. A friend of hers came forward and testified on his behalf. Doug Rogers spent two days without his daughter because of miss London. She is now behind bars. She didn't have any children. She brought the child she babysat for after getting a forged birth certificate. She found out Doug came from money and was trying to trap him into a marriage. There are some very stupid college students.

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