Sullivan Company

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I go into surgery knowing that my attorney and the manager of my company are very honest and above board about running things on their end. My inheritance is intact. Mia went into our marriage not knowing she married a very wealthy man, but one who inherited his father's companies. Carrick told me that when I failed to sign the will and noticed the three names he asked Christian's go to guy in investigating check things out. Mia still has no idea and for now I think that's for the best. Only Carrick, Christian and Ray know who I actually am. I do however need to make an appearance to assure them I am alive. I might have them do a satellite office here in Seattle.
My three rascals are causing pain in my back I have a month to go and have been placed on bed rest. Bed rest indeed, Sharon keeps having to usher family in to check on me. I need to sleep dammit. After these little rebels arrive I won't get much of that. Christian has decided that I need help, so I am now going to be interviewing people he has decided are worthy of my time to interview them. Dodge has had his last surgery on his arm and they will be bringing someone to work on his scar tissue. He is staying away from taking the prescribed pain pills. He uses other methods for pain relief so he will be ready to be with me during labor. Dad and Dodge have been getting closer and now Christian and Elliott are joining them in dad's office or they are over here. Kate is still not pregnant and Anastasia miscarried a week ago. This Christmas we will have three boys to enjoy and love.
I am sad about my miscarriage and so is Christian, the doctors said it was because of the shot and the fact it wasn't completely out my system that caused the miscarriage. So we aren't taking any chances and are using condoms for six months. That was two months ago. Kate is still trying to get pregnant. Mia got pregnant easily and with three. I am trying not to be jealous, but it is difficult.
I thought the name Dodge Sullivan was familiar when we met, but he was good at covering his tracks with Ray's help. Now I know who he is and he is working to get a satellite version of his company here in Seattle. All of us working together to get it all set up for him and he is going to surprise Mia with the completed project. Mia I thought would marry wealthy and so did all of us. It amazed us she fell in love with Elliott's head of s3 unity at first sight. Wait until she finds out he is wealthy and inherited his fathers estate and built it into an empire closely resembling mine except his is a very different type of business. Anastasia and I have been healing from our loss and I hate condoms. Kate and Elliott are exhausted from trying to hard to create a baby. Mia and Dodge are getting way too many visitors right now. I had the grandparents along with Ray and Carla hire the childcare people. The housekeeper is a friend of Gale's.
Joshua called me and told me that Analisa is married and to all people the elderly woman's grandson. He just happened to show up the day they arrived. His name Jordan Welch and he is 22 and a college graduate. The wedding was at the local church and he sent me a copy of the marriage license. Now they are all living there with the lady. What he failed to tell me was Analisa is pregnant. At 18 I hope she keeps attending college. Mrs Eunice Welch finally called me regarding Analisa and Jordan. She wasn't thrilled about it, but she and Joshua have it in hand so far. Joshua is going to stay and finish his college and make sure the couple gets on their feet.
I took the phone from Eunice and told mom that Analisa was determined to marry someone and Jordan was her new target. He assured me that they were definitely a match made in hell. At least they aren't tormenting other people and seem to really love each other. If you can call it love.
I told Joshua that Jason has asked Regina to marry him and she agreed to marry him in a years time. Regina wants to test his patience apparently. The boys are on Jason's side and wants them married before Christmas. Joshua laughed and said what kid wouldn't want a new dad for Christmas. We hang up and I cry about not getting to give any of my daughters the big wedding of their dreams. Maybe Regina and Jason and possibly Joshua.
A very special delivery.
I get a call while I was at the new building site and have to catch a ride with Elliott to the hospital. Mia is on her way to have our boys. The boys nursery is ready and waiting we have new staff all over the place. I had Elliott start looking for a very large home we can refurbish to Mia's liking. She kind of hates my home. Too small for us and staff. Elliott is driving like a maniac. I ask him to slow down so we live to see my children.
I slowed down and realized that we were making the green lights better when we slowed down and we were safer. I drop him off at the ER door and go park. Christian and Anastasia arrive and Ray and Carla are with them. We get into the ER and dad is standing there smiling. She had all three in the elevator on her way to the labor and delivery. All healthy little boys, Dodge is smiling from ear to ear. Kate arrives and all of us go see the boys. Mia changed her mind yet again about the boys names. Jackson Elliott Sullivan, David Allen Sullivan(after Dodge's father) Edward Christian Sullivan all three babies were ready to eat.
Mia was sound asleep, when I finally found out where she was at. The boys had been taken to be checked out in the nursery. Now they are back and ready to eat, they hand me a bottle and a baby and have sit down to feed one of the boys. Anastasia walks 8n with everyone behind her. Grace takes one if the other babies and then Anastasia. Kate comes and sits by me and touches the baby and smiles.
You are very lucky Dodge. They are all beautiful. Anastasia gets up and places the baby she has in my arms. She whispers it will happen soon. I look up and smile through the tears. Elliott sits next to me and says we can spoil these three until we have ours.

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