Analisa Kavanaugh

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Anastasia greets me at the door of the penthouse, I explain I am here to talk to mr Grey about the home and get the keys and the address and the rest of the information. She tells me he had an emergency meeting and she is giving me the information and everything I need along with the colleges close by that I was accepted at. She hands me everything and asks me if she can answer any questions for me. I asked when I can see mr Grey privately.
Privately, why would you need to see him privately?
Well to discuss what us and isn't allowed in his home?
It is our home and security will be there all the time and your mother doesn't want you having strangers in our home and we don't either. My husband will tell you the same thing I am telling you, so there is n reason for you to have a private chat with my husband.
Afraid you might lose him?
Sure You can talk to him privately all you want and I will arrange it, just think about this your father cheated on your mother since day one of their marriage and here you are at 17 thinking that you are going to break up my and Christian's marriage. Should I call him now and have a candle light dinner for you ready and waiting and are you on birth control and are you clear of any STD's. He is and so am I. Gale can you make a candlelight dinner for Christian and Analisa? She will be staying overnight, please change the sheets in our bedroom to the silk ones and light candles in there after all Analisa plans on taking Christian from me. Right Analisa? You plan on taking my husband from me?
That's the plan, Gale is it? You will be following my orders from now on.
Anastasia winks at me and I know to follow her lead. Yes miss Kavanagh what would you like for me to do for you?
Moves Anastasia's things out if the penthouse now and cook steak, lobster and serve oysters with our meals. There will only be me and Christian tonight and get rose petals for the bed and bedroom and candles are a good touch. I want everything done before I arrive at seven tonight with my suitcase for now. Tomorrow you will arrange for my clothing and personal items to be moved into Christian and my bedroom. I need to leave now.
Wait you didn't take, your things with you.
Oh just place those in my bedroom in my nightstand. I go press the elevator button. Oh have security throw Anastasia out on her ass.
I ask Anastasia is she seriously allowing this gold digger in training to do all of this.
Oh hell no, she won't know what hit her when Christian plays this recording I have of the whole conversation. She knew he wasn't here and was making me aware of her intentions of breaking up my marriage once again. I didn't take her seriously until she arrived here acting like she owned the penthouse and looking down on me. Kate and Enid are in on this plan, Christian has an idea she has been trying to get him alone when he has had to see Enid for business things. I have to call him and let him know the plan is in action now.
Are we moving your things out then?
Not at all, that was for her benefit. Enid, Kate, Jason and Joshua are coming for dinner tonight. Regina is watching Augusta. The address and keys are to an elderly woman we know in Europe and she is happy to have Analisa. Analisa will hate it since it isn't our home and her rules are stricter and security is very tight at her place. Bodyguards will not leave Analisa alone.
Anastasia she is on her way to her home and she really does believe you are stepping aside so she can have mr Grey.
Anastasia winks at me and says we have a plan to set her straight on a lot of things. Her mother knew that Analisa had made some nasty comment to me and about me and has been trying to get Christian alone. Christian knows how bad it has gotten. She has been calling his phone and hanging up if I answer it. She has been texting him and recently she had to be blocked after she sent x rated photos. He tracked it down and showed her mother the photos. Luckily it wasn't her but it was from her phone. He had Barney wipe his phone just in case.
Didn't she just turn 17? Her father was a cheater and here she is trying to break up your marriage. Mr Grey doesn't look at anyone else but you. Women throw themselves all the time and he wants none of what they are offering him. Analisa is delusional.
Call Christian and tell him to contact the Kavanagh's about this issue. We have to move fast for this to work. Gale will cook supper for all of us and herself and you, to make it look like a serious household takeover. She will boss you two around until she realizes the truth once she sees her family join us. They will be here early and you and Gale will pretend to follow her orders. I will be hiding as well.
I can't wait to see Christian and be in his arms. Mom isn't answering my calls. I arrive home a go get a sexy dress from the walk in in Kate's room. I choose one that shows my cleavage and goes to right above my belly button. Easy access, I put in my thong and everything is shaved. I pack the negligee that is brand new that shows everything. I grab the matching things Kate has for the dress. I go grab my suitcase and pack a weeks worth of clothing and my makeup and other sundries. 

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