Eunice Welch

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I found out about the wicked witches plan to out Christian as the father of her child and she was only 17. Well that is not going to happen. She might threaten to all she wants to, but you have to be credible for people to believe you, and she isn't at all. So Christian, Anastasia, Joshua and Her mother decide to uncover the truth about her before she can spread all her lies to ruin lives of others that tried to help her. We released an article that stopped Analisa in her tracks when she saw the headlines. She wanted to crawl into a hole and hide. Between Enid's releases and Kavanagh news Media releasing it all over the world, then social medias of every kind. She couldn't get outside due to the frenzy of paparazzi wanting to hear her side of it. She wasn't allowed to give her side of it, because video footage from Christian Grey was released to every media company they could find. Then add salt to the wound Joshua recorded her telling him her plan to lie about the baby being Christian's baby. If she wants to stay safe she will stay inside the house until everything dies down.
I watch all the damaging stories and all of it is true. Analisa was guilty of everything said about her and the recording were proven to be real and unedited. Christian was thrilled and he made sure I was warned about all of it beforehand. Dad was happy to see people beat Analisa to the punch. Kate was laughing even though it was her younger sister.
Anastasia this isn't the first time she has tried crap like this and it won't be the last, she just made the wrong one to do it to this time. When I found out they were going to do this I also released a statement saying she was al2ays a liar and this time she was outed before she damaged a very good man and his family and wife. She has always been like this mom had someone run tests in her and said she had a mental illness and then changed it to she was just vicious and nothing can be done for vindictive behavior. Whatever that meant the guy stopped treating her after she made accusations against him, he proved to my parents he had done nothing to her. He used videotaping and proved she was lying about everything. Mom and dad apologized and made her apologize as well. That's why I never allowed her near my friends ever. She put the bullies up to shoving you in your locker. She had no idea you knew how to defend yourself. Those girl's parents were livid and spoke with mom and mom told them that their children didn't have to do it, they chose to do it. They were older and should and could have said no to doing it.
My paper is selling out and paparazzi are trying to scoop me and Christian and it isn't working so well. I think I will milk this as much as possible and Christian said he was going to keep the heat on Analisa and keep it on until they leave us alone. When it finally becomes old news and we go to other headlines. It can be fun, but Analisa has been very vocal and so have I. I tell her now they're will be a DNA test and it will prove what a liar she is. I am hoping it is Jordan's baby, he seems like a good guy who has been caught up in a web of lies she has fed him. I damn well know it isn't Christian's child.
I call mom and tell her we can't get out because of the paparazzi wanting to chat with us and or Analisa. Analisa is angry and wants to know how she can sue you and Christian for releasing the stories. She is trying to say that you both are lying. I told her, that we all know that Christian and you would never print it if it weren't completely true. There are even video footage of it all. So this is why you sent her to Europe and now she is trying to say the baby is Christian's and 5hat is why you sent her away, that you knew it was Christian's baby and Anastasia did as well and all of you got rid of her and now she is back to tell the truth of the whole thing. She definitely sounds convincing to me.
Remember the night we went to dinner at Anastasia's and Christian's?
Yes I do why?
That was the night she supposedly had sex with Christian remember? Did you notice at any point on that night did he and Analisa disappear at any point in time? Anastasia was stuck like glue to Christian remember that?
You are right Anastasia never allowed Analisa near Christian and she tried hard to sit by him, you instructed us to keep her between us, but she had to use the restroom. A bodyguard escorted her to the one across from the kitchen. She wasn't out of our site until she went inside the restroom. Anastasia and Christian were kissing and holding each other's hands. Hard for anything to happen between him and Analisa that night.
If you want you can ask his security and Joshua has the recruiting of Analisa planning to lie about the baby being his and not Jordan's. I have a copy and can forward it to you, Christian and Anastasia has it as well and so do his legal department. We released all the information to do a preemptive strike against your plotting witch of a sister. There are some fools who would print the lies and destroy Christian for the fun of it all. They wouldn't care about the truth and neither does your sister. Just watch your backs around her. You can get the truth, but not from Analisa.

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