Beautiful View

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I really wanted to be alone with Anastasia tonight. She brought an overnight case, which gave me a thrill until Elliott showed up, but it was good that he did. He gave me ammunition on Jim Davidson and James Anderson and why he was in such a hurry to sell his restaurant. Elliott stopped me from making a big mistake on the purchase. I will need to have him check my next choice. I will talk to him about that when I get a chance to talk to him about it.
You will like Christian's apartment it is great.
You need to get your place cleaned and the codes changed and the locks changed. I doubt Christian wants us at his place every night and having sex will be weird. Anastasia and him will be having sex as well. I want to have sex without thinking we are in someone's guest room. Get rid of Mark and make him pay for the damage he and his friends did to your place.
Yes Dear, I understand dear and will handle it tomorrow is that okay with you?
I will help you do this. You can blame me for kicking him to the curb. But he can't go around inviting people to party at other peoples homes and destroying them and leaving them that way. That is not a friend that is a user and he used you and your home and didn't bother to clean it up or pay to get it fixed at all. Who knows what else he has done to you and others who let him do as he pleases. He had no right to throw a party at your home.
I changed the codes by remote thanks to Christian's IT phenom Barney Miller. So no one can get into gate or house without the code security and the cops will be called if they try. Meaning Mark will be arrested. I texted him and told him never to come to my home ever again or I will have him and his friends arrested for breaking and entering. This is his last time abusing my generosity. Let's see if he gets that message loud and clear.
What are we going to do if he breaks in?
He will get arrested and I won't answer his calls from jail. Let's hope he sees my message and takes it seriously. Otherwise he will be arrested along with his friends. They definitely will get the point then.
What would you do if he did that and you were married?
First he is causing me a lot damage to my home and my neighbors have complained. We are here, let's get to the elevator. Or ask the guard to take us up in the elevator. I can call Taylor to come get us and take us up.
Let's  just call Anastasia and have her ask Christian to allow us up.
He won't give me the code because of Mark.
How did they beat us here?
Elliott drives like a bat out of hell. That's how, don't ever ride with him please. I kiss her and we get out of the car and bring her bag with us. Taylor
Your brother called wanting upstairs, I told him you were going to arrive shortly.
After we get upstairs you can have the rest of the night off and go see Sophie. You need some quality time with her. Sawyer can come in to replace you. We need more people so after you come back hire a team for the family.
Yes sir and thank you. I have four people ready to be hired. I can call and have them on the phone before I leave and get them in on Monday.
Great do that make it eight people if you can.
I can. Thanks sir.
Let's get everyone upstairs now. We get to the elevator and Elliott, Kate, Anastasia, Taylor and I head to the penthouse. Taylor uses the key and not the code to get us to the penthouse.
I lock the elevator down so no one can arrive without us knowing about it. I tell mr Grey I need a moment privately. We enter his office and shut the door. Sir Leila Williams tried to get into the penthouse today and left a message for you.
Throw it away and tell her not to bother coming back again. Wait keep it just in case and read it for me to assure she isn't up to something.
She is claiming she is pregnant with your child.
Tell her I want proof it is mine and make sure she doesn't fake the pregnancy or the DNA tests. I have not seen her for a long time. And she was seeing another guy at that time. I am not marrying her. If the baby is mine I will assure it is taken care of, but she is not getting more than she needs to take care of her and the baby. No good digger will come out from under the rocks and try to bilk money from me using a pregnancy.
I am going for now, I suggest you talk to an attorney and a OB about all this. The timing of the article on you nationally and her showing up is very amazing timing of her being pregnant, don't you think so?
Absolutely it does seem to be incredible timing on all of this, I don't think she is pregnant at all. Thanks for handling things call Sawyer and have a few more come in just in case Leila shows up. I am going to have to tell Anastasia, Elliott and Kate tonight and the rest of the family tomorrow.
I will make the calls to get people hired and Sawyer and a few more people to watch over all of you. I will make sure Sawyer knows everything and passes 5he information on.

A Day LateOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora