Analisa Leaves Town

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I decide to send Analisa to Europe to the elderly woman that Christian and Anastasia suggested, but I one upped them and Sent Joshua to keep an eye on his sister and I am paying him well. She will not be able to escape him or the woman's security and Joshua will be taking all the same classes at the same time. Try screwing with a married man and his marriage again young lady and you will get disinherited. I had a major fight with the little princess when we dragged her home. Suitcase in hand. I took her car away from her. She will be driven everywhere she goes. I took all her access to funds and credit cards from her before we left Escala. I know Anastasia was going out if her mind when Analisa said those things to her. Most would have thrown her out right then and there, but Anastasia and Christian handled it quite nicely. I called Eamon and informed him of her behavior and told him it was possibly due to his behavior that she thought she could break up a marriage and feel no guilt about it at all.
I have no car, no cash, no credit cards and my mom is sending Joshua to Europe with me and putting in the same classes at the same time as I will be in them. She is paying him and he is in charge of all money for us. I will have a roof over my head and food to eat and school will be paid by mom directly. Refunds will be given directly back to her. She has me on a tight leash now.
Analisa tried calling me and Christian blocked her number and told me to ignore her.
You know she will just start the crap again, so let her stew in her own juices. Enid is handling her and that is how it should be. Kate told me she took her car, her cash, her accounts and all her credit cards away from her. When she goes to Europe Joshua is going with her and is enrolled in all the classes she is in and he is going to be in control of the money. Security is going to be tight on Analisa and Joshua because the lady they are staying with is one of my favorite employees and they keep her safe at all times. They won't allow any shenanigans go on with the Kavanagh's that is what Enid wants. She wants them kept safe and not partying.
Oh goodness she really did make Enid mad. Even Kate has never made Enid that mad. Oh well she brought it on herself. Did she think I would just allow her to break my marriage to you up without a battle?
She doesn't know you at all does she?
We really never spent any time together. She was one of the popular people in school, only because if her brothers and her last name. In Europe the girl won't be able to have that same power. Add to it she will have curfews and if she doesn't abide by them, she will be sleeping outside. You did well by suggesting your friend.
Mia has met her too. Dad got tired of certain issues and I had a solution and see how Mia is taking responsibility without being asked. She has a career doing it now and is taking early college courses like you are.
Analisa got her diploma and left town with Joshua within 24 hours after her graduation. Enid called Christian and let him know and it went very well. Jason is getting closer to Regina without pressuring for anything more than friends. Enid thinks he will make a good husband and father to the three boys.
Anastasia was in for testing today and I was worried about her. But she said she was seeing her OB/GYN and everything is okay. I asked if she was pregnant yet?
No, not pregnant, we haven't been married that long. We have time.
I know, but I would love a grand baby and your grandparents would love a great grandchild.
Playing the guilt card are you now? Have patience and hopefully you might get your wish, you have three children who can possibly give you grand babies. Have you spoken to Kate and Mia yet?
You are the only one I have caught at the OB so far, so you were my first to hint that we would love to have babies in our arms.
You have a hospital that has a nursery with babies you can cuddle if you need to.
But they are other people's children, not my children's babies. Am I being too subtle about this.
Subtle, I think you need to look up the word, because you aren't being subtle at all. Is this your Christmas wish list this year? It is too late to order a baby from me for Christmas this year lol. I need to go meet your son for lunch, we might practice making a baby for you. Bye Grace. I practically run from her.
Omg, I forgot what Anastasia can be like at times. There was nothing hostile about her comments, just fast and funny comments. No wonder Christian married her. She might loses her temper now and again, but you can't tell she is angry at all. Now I will be asking Kate and Mia when we can expect a baby sometime soon. Omg, I just got what she said about practicing creating a baby at lunch time with Christian. She ran so I couldn't ask what she meant by that. She went to have lunch time sex with Christian. I laugh as I walk to my office and run into Mia who is waiting inside my office . She looks pale, I sit her down and ask her what has happened to her?

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