A Lot Of Friends

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After the bullies were defeated by Anastasia she has a lot of friends now, mostly because they hope she will protect them from being bullied. I think it annoys her that that is why they are being friendly when they weren't before now. Anastasia told me it will go back to normal soon enough and she was right about it. Anastasia came to my party in a nice dress and shoes. She had a bit of makeup on her face. She said her grandma insisted she dress nicely and wear makeup as well. I know she does all the beauty regimens because Carla has taught her all of them. Anastasia says it was her grandma's idea of bonding with her and it did teach her how to do all those female things to make us feel beautiful and smell beautiful as well. I have to say she is gorgeous. Anastasia's eyes stood out even more with the make up on. Elliott and Christian are here for my birthday party.
I see Elliott trying to get away from one of Mia's other friends and I start laughing when I hear a male voice behind me.
What are you laughing about and why are you inside the house, shouldn't you be outside at the party?
I just came inside to use the restroom and saw Liz chasing after Elliott so I laughed. Now I am taking the salad out to the tables. Excuse me now please. I walk away from Christian with the salads and go out the door and sit the food down and head towards grandma who is talking to Grace. Grandma made Mia a cake for her birthday. It is gorgeous. She only makes cakes for special people. Mia falls into that category. I recently wrote a new book based on having grandparents raise you. Elliott leaned down and finally apologized to me for his behavior on the phone and I turned around and told him it was fine, but to remember I am not after him like he mentioned. I think he was surprised by what I looked like and he could barely breathe and I had to remind him to breathe. He told me that he would never had known it was me if someone hadn't told him what I was wearing and pointed me out.
I watch as Elliott seems to be getting close to the girl with the salads. Then I realize it is Anastasia, I can't believe it, so I head over to see closer se up and it definitely is Anastasia. She is graham grouse and barely has any makeup on. Less is more on her. Okay she is going to be 14 stop drooling will you. You have a girlfriend at Harvard. But that isn't working out very well. I think she is cheating on me. She made up an excuse for the last three weeks for cancelling our dates.
I think Elliott and Christian have noticed Anastasia and how good she looks. By this time they would be hiding out until the cake and ice cream was served. They would grab a plate of food, get a drink and hide in the kitchen or family room until present and cake cutting time. But they are still out here staying close to Mia and Anastasia. I remind them of her age and they just smile at me and both say they know her age.
Anastasia has turned a lot of heads at this party she has really blossomed into a beautiful young girl. Even Elliott and Christian have noticed. They are keeping the other boys away from her. I think they are more protective over Anastasia than they are of Mia. They must not have seen the video of her beating up the bullies.
I watch as Carrick looks at his boys preventing the teen boys away from Anastasia. We both laugh and I say we both have our hands full with two beautiful young ladies in our care. So when are your sons bringing home a girl to meet you and Grace?
Elliott says never and Christian thinks his is cheating on him already. She has cancelled three dates in three weeks. I think it is over and she is not telling him the truth. I suspect she is getting him to do her homework at Harvard. The course they take together is almost over. His business is gaining ground and he has decided on a building her in Seattle. He is hiring a classmate once she graduates and they will be working together to build GEH as he nicknamed it. Grey Enterprises Holdings is the full name. He is doing fairly well, but is determined to get that diploma. Which should be soon according to him he has a full load and he wants to graduate quickly so he can get into enlarging his staff and company. Right now it's home base is in Seattle.
Sounds like he has everything planned out pretty well, do you think he can do everything he says he can?
I am sure he can and will. He has it all planned out. I just hope he keeps his eye on the ball and this girlfriend situation doesn't hurt him. He keeps everything inside for the most part. But he seems to be doing okay, he is talking to Anastasia right now. He seems to be enjoying the birthday party. I guess we should go make an appearance. It's time for the cake and ice cream. I heard the cake is amazing, did you and Carla both make it?
No Carla and Anastasia did it this time since Anastasia knows how to do the carvings now. She did a few very new ones that even I couldn't do. So don't be surprised if you get a partial face as a piece of cake you are given to eat. Carla made the ice cream as well Mia asked for a special ice cream to eat with the cake.
Anastasia has really changed and I remind myself that my son is 20 and Anastasia is 13 going on 14 so they need to be remind3d of that fact.

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