Carrick Grey

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I was correct about our neighbor was and is an attorney. I called him and asked if he could help me in custody of my granddaughter after her parents were killed. He agreed to help me with it and would do it by barter, he heard I was an excellent carpenter that had built things for friends and neighbors and had wanted to have something's done and this would be a good deal for both of us. I agreed to a sit down with him and we brought Anastasia with us along with all her documents and the life insurance policy. Along with the amount the bank was offering as a settlement for the deaths of Debra and Lewis. I wanted a trust set up that would increase in value every year.
I met Raymond, Carla and Anastasia. She is a very beautiful baby girl. We talk about the customers day and decide them adopting her would be the best. They set the trust funds up with the life insurance and the settlement amounts. I explained everything and we sat down and agreed to the amount of work he would do for my services and we invited them to dinner.
Elliott , Christian and Mia were being noisy. I made supper and the boys were keeping an eye on Mia who is three months old and Elliott is eight and Christian is six years old. I meet the Steele's and they meet our children. Anastasia is a very beautiful baby and so is Mia. Carrick told me the story and it made me cry. They called him for legal help on assuring they are able to keep their granddaughter. You could tell she was still looking and listening for her mom and dad. But Carla and Ray soothed her with their voices.
Well at least the next door neighbors have a little girl close in age to Mia she can play with her when they are able to. Mia was reaching for Anastasia's hands. A good sign already.
The little girl has huge blue eyes it is hard to turn away from them. I think mom and dad are getting really close to the Steele family. They are staying for supper and their little girl cries very little. Even in getting hungry and diaper changing. Mia cries and is noisy. Anastasia is quiet.
The Grey's are pretty nice and Raymond did a lot of work for them and he has been working hard to begin with we are both pretty healthy for our ages. We are young grandparents Ray and I had been left pretty well off and Lewis and Debra left a sizable life insurance policy from both of their work places. Plus they had policies that left Anastasia an equal amount for her future. Raymond is great at money management and has been able to build us a nice nest egg. The house we live in was inherited and had to be repaired when we got it and Raymond worked day and night to make it a perfect home for us. Debra came into our lives and suddenly we had a daughter in law and then a granddaughter. At first I was worried that she might think we had money and was just out for the money. But I found out she didn't need our money, but she also didn't touch her trust funds left to her by her families. We found that out two months after the adoption of Anastasia. The family attorney got notification that Debra had died and the trust would then go to her husband or and offspring. So Anastasia is already set for life. The attorney told us the trust would be send payments monthly for Anastasia's expenses. We set that away in a separate account so if we needed it for Anastasia we could access it, but it would be Anastasia's once she was 18. I maintain all of Rays appointments and keep track of incoming and outgoing mail for his company. He does all the billing and tracking of stock and equipment. We have built a very lucrative business and have a lot of staff. The work is done at a building Ray bought before we got married. Now people are trying to buy the building from Ray, but Ray doesn't want to sell it for what the people are trying to get it for. He was told by Carrick that where his building is at there is a large development company buying the area up and the people who are trying to buy it are low balling him and trying to make money off it for themselves. Ray has hired security from some military buddies to assure his employees safety and he has increased his insurance if anything was to happen. I overheard some of the conversations.
When Ray told me that a company offered to buy his property at ten thousand dollars more than it was worth. I told him that he needed to hold onto it and wait until the real development company made him an offer. I encouraged him to hire security and get more insurance on the property. He did everything I told him to after one of his employees was hurt by an employee of the lowball buyer. He hired security for Carla and Anastasia as well he updated his security at his home. They prosecuted the guy who hurt his employee. They made sure the hurt employee got restitution and paid for his bills and his time off was paid time off.
The last thing I need is battling over my building so I contacted the developer directly and asked if my property was going to be part of their plans and at first they didn't want to divulge that information. The next attack on my property made news and it was obvious that the owner of the real estate company had ordered the attack. The people he sent out weren't aware of what they were walking into. My employees were left unscathed just my new security had a few bruises on their hands. They put his employees in the hospital and they were arrested before they got medical treatment. It didn't take long for them to arrest the owner for all his attacks on the property owners he had tried to strong arm into selling the land. The developer went after him as well. Richard Lincoln father to Dan Lincoln the scum that Lewis had issues with was behind all of it. Dan was one of the guys arrested as well. We got news later that he was implicated in the bank robbery that took Debra and Lewis from us. They wouldn't go into any details, but they were sure that he knew Debra and Lewis would be in that bank that day and he dropped by to stall them from going until the next day. They don't think Debra was supposed to die, she just protected Lewis and got caught in the gun-blast. He was found dead holding her hands. I asked to see the crime scene photos.
Raymond definitely did the right thing he went directly to the developers and laid his cards on the table and they worked things out and he ended up with a safer place and closer to his home. All moving costs were covered and handled all expenses were as well. He had me proof read the deal and he handled it perfectly. His work and his company has grown even larger since he moved. The Lincoln's are still weeding through all their legal issues. Elena Lincoln is acting innocent of everything, but she was wearing jewelry from one of the dead bodies at the bank robbery. She tried to say she bought it used from a pawn shop. She couldn't provide it. The diamond had a layer inscribed number and the ring was returned to the family after they used it in the trial.

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