Jim Davidson's Trial

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I arrive at Kavanagh Media and head to my office and everyone was shocked to see who the new major stock holder was now. I scheduled this meeting with the victims of mr Davidson today and the cops will be arresting him in front of them. There is a search warrant being issued for them to search his car, home and two apartments. His wife had no idea and has agreed to cooperate. She works with Enid now and after she spoke with Kate she found out there were a lot more women her husband exploited. So she is handing him divorce papers before the cops arrest him. She gave them the codes and keys to everything they need to search. It does take long for us to show Jim all the evidence we have on him and terminate him. I had the victims watch as the cops entered the conference room to arrest Jim and take him into custody. The cops were even given the contents of his office. We kept the property of Kavanagh Media after going through it thoroughly to assure he hadn't his anything in it. The cops can still get a search warrant to go through that, but we will need that before we relinquish the rest of it. Dad said lock his office and leave it until the trial is over. My dad knows how these things go, so I did just that.
I was given the opportunity to interview all his victims and we did a one on one so it wouldn't cause issues with the trial. All our testimony has been given and we might have to testify, but it is twenty and still growing. People from his previous employer have came forward as well. Christian held true to his word about getting Jim Davidson to pay for his crimes against women he worked with. When even his boss's daughter becomes his victim as a minor then no one is safe from him. Christian handed me the names and numbers of women from other places Jim Davidson worked at so we could get their story as well.
Christian is helping me build my media company into a honest one and we are using the Davidson story as a springboard, once the trial ends we have an exclusive that will be in a huge series of stories that Kate is writing based on all the victims experiences and it doesn't paint Eamon in a good light since he allowed it to go on after even his daughter told him she was a victim as well and she was very young. Christian is cleaning house and Eamon is not happy and I have stopped talking to him in regards to this. We talk, but to keep the peace we don't go into anything to do with Kavanagh Media or Jim Davidson. He hates that Christian is his boss at this point. We have grown and are still growing. Christian doesn't have to do what he has done for us, but we appreciate everything and we have also guided him through his new position at Kavanagh Media. Soon we will be taking back that name and Grey Media will be the new sign in place of the huge Kavanagh Media. Eamon is fighting that change, but he can't win the battle. I have the rights to use the name at this point since I was the major stockholder and own the name I am doing this for the kids even Augusta. Eamon has basically handed her over to me and her siblings, because he has no patience. So I made a proposal that he just allow me to adopt her and he signed her over to me, since her mother signed her rights away as well. I was told it would take a month to get it all done. Kate, Jason and Joshua have embraced her as their sister completely anyway, so I will be her mother now. We created a child care area for me and the rest of the employees. We discovered that the men who interviewed thought they were interviewing us to see if they could bully us women. Very few men respected us in the interviews. We finally found three men who showed us the respect we deserved and one worked with Jim Davidson an was glad he was fired and arrested. Todd Marx was older than Eamon and he became managing editor and we couldn't pay him his las salary, but we did offer the child care for his daughter to use as a benefit. We hired her as a runner after he asked us to interview her as a favor. I think he did the favor to us, because the girl works constantly. I gave them both a raise in the first month because of how hard they worked. His daughter is a widow with triplets and living with Todd. Regina Smith married the guy who got her pregnant and had no idea who he truly was. He died in the commission of a crime. It made the papers. I have decided not to ask her anything about him. Jason visited me and caught sight of Regina and I told him unless you are serious about Regina don't bother her, she has enough heartbreak already. I don't want you breaking her heart with your cavalier attitude in dating. I am paying for her college and want to see her working here for the long haul.
I can't help but be attracted to her, but I will only approach her if you give me a heads up.
Her father is my managing editor so don't play games with her or I will lose my best employees and I will be mad at you.
Mom who is Regina? She asked us Augusta can come to a birthday party of her three boys.
Get the information and tell her she will be there for their birthday party. She is a runner, my best runner as a matter of fact and Todd's daughter so be nice to her and don't hit on her.

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