Analisa's Surprise

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Jordan Welch
Analisa and I had a long discussion and it didn't end well. I contacted my family attorney and he suggested several solutions to my problems. I liked the last one. Wait until the baby is born make sure my name is on the birth certificate as the father and file for full custody and use her lies against her. Grandmother is with me on this, Analisa also will not get a dime from me. I will assure she has a healthy baby and maternity wear, but nothing else after the baby arrives and the birth certificate has my name on it, we are done and the baby is mine alone. I have enough on her to take the baby from her because of her potential to place herself and the child in dangerous situations. Carrick Grey told me that he and Christian's legal team can help me take her rights away from her. Even her own family doesn't think she is fit to be a mother. I was told all the stories released in the papers were true. I watched videos and I am horrified by Analisa and what I watched.
Jordan spoke to me regarding the baby and what was going on with Analisa after all the things came out about her. I want a doctor to tell me how far along Analisa is, because something just doesn't feel right to me. How she got pregnant so quickly by Jordan. I insisted Jordan, Enid and Eunice and I should get her an appointment for an ultrasound. I told Jordan not to have sex with Analisa. He surprised me and told me she has been abstaining saying she is sick at her stomach. I see him starting to think things over and he hasn't said anything, but I know that look he is starting to question something. We have gotten the appointment.
I can't keep up the pretense any longer and getting Jordan drunk and taking his clothes off him, we never had sex and never will. I had a pregnant girl give one of those positive pregnancy test. I married him because I thought he had his own money, I didn't know Eunice had complete control over his money from his parents assets, she was very tight fisted over all of it. Now even my mother is suspicious that I don't look pregnant after I forgot to put on the pregnancy bump. Jordan doesn't notice much about me. He just married me because I said he got me pregnant. He doesn't recall much about the night he was in my room. He woke up naked and in my bed. I made it look like we had sex. Mom and Eunice are plotting something.
You think after the long flight we should have a OB/GYN check you out and make the baby is okay. Eunice, Grace and I are planning to make sure Analisa is pregnant. It was something Eunice brought to our attention. So we are going to assure she is pregnant and if not they are going to check to see if she had a miscarriage. A blood test and an exam will show that. Grace has it all set up.
This way we can find out if she really is pregnant and how far along she is. Enid will get her to the OB/GYN. Jordan, Eunice and I will be joining them as they do the sonogram. Dr Greene is aware we want to be assured the baby is healthy. (Okay so we lied and we think the baby is a lie too)
Dr. Greene
The nurse leads Jordan, Eunice and Grace behind another screen in the room. Then Enid and Analisa are brought inside by the nurse. I have her pee in a cup and the nurse takes blood to test for everything. I have her get ready to do the sonogram. I test the urine and it comes up not pregnant. I tell the nurse to rush the bloodwork. I look at the pertinent answers to questions. I do a sonogram and there are no babies. That is when Eunice, Jordan and Grace join us. I tell Analisa she isn't pregnant. I told her I sent off blood work as well. I can tell that she didn't have a miscarriage.
So you aren't pregnant, how were those tests both a positive then?
Dr Greene
What kind did you use, so I know what type to be careful of. You are not pregnant, what made you think you were to begin with?
Morning sickness and weight gain and tired.
Not everyone has those symptoms. It could be something else entirely. So there is no baby, Christian and Anastasia are working on one of their own. I trusted my son and Anastasia did as well, she knew Analisa was not going away so easily.
(They set me up knowing that I was lying about being pregnant) I show them pictures of the positive tests and they said the tests were wrong. (Actually they were not wrong, I just paid for urine from girls I knew was already pregnant and opened the new tests in front of Jordan then poured the urine onto them) now all these people are looking at me and I have been found out. There is no way to get out of this. All of them look angry and Dr Greene says the lab came back that I hadn't had a miscarriage. Dr.Greene hands the copies of all the tests and sonogram pictures and asks me if I need birth control or am I going to try for a baby.
Oh I think we are going to try for that baby. Right Analisa?
Analisa was a huge liar and Jordan has a plan, he is going to do something for me. She might not be pregnant now, but she will be if she wants to keep the Welch name and status.
I am going to call Christian and Anastasia about this as soon as I leave here. Dr Greene saw the articles and did me this huge favor.
Enid leaves Analisa for grandma and I to deal with. I wait until we get in the car and tell her if she isn't pregnant by me in the next six months, we will end 5his marriage and I will find a willing young lady to marry and have a child with. I also told her if she goes near Christian Grey I will divorce her immediately.

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