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Dodge is having nightmares about what happened and he is seeing a therapist that specializes in this type of thing. We let everyone know Dodge is back and he is going to have surgery to repair his arm. He asked if I wanted him to get the scar repair too. I told him only if it makes him feel better about himself, I can handle the scars because he made it back alive and that is all that matters to me. The baby voiced it's opinion against his hand and he laughs.
I will think about it and I might do it just to alleviate the pain from them. So did you find out the sax of the baby?
No they are hiding what sex they are.
They? More than one of them?
Are you ready for this? You are going to have three more family members to enjoy.
Three babies? So that is why you can barely get off the bed. I just thought it was going to be a big baby. I mean after all I a six foot  four inches tall.
Kate is jealous I am having three and they are having trouble getting pregnant. The doctor thinks she is too anxious and wants her to relax. I think Anastasia is pregnant now and doesn't want to upset Kate and announce she is yet.
She has always tried to take into account others feelings sometimes to her detriment. Well time to join the family for dinner. My fear is that I am feeling awkward about seeing Mia's family again after leaving her right after our marriage and barely consummating it before flying out of her life and leaving my pregnant wife to fend for herself. She was tossed into the deep end of the pool with no swimming lessons. One nightmare was them not welcoming home after all this time. I didn't want tell Mia that and we both feel anxious. Anxiety isn't good for a pregnant person and her being pregnant with three is already a delicate situation for her. Plus she is being super sensitive to Kate's issues of not being pregnant yet.
I welcome Mia and Dodge and I hug him gently and welcome him home. Mia waddles in by him and I want to take videos, but I think it is inappropriate. Carrick on the other hand doesn't care and he has his video camera going on his phone and is getting it all.
I walk over and welcome my son in law home and we head in to dinner where we are having a welcome home dinner for Dodge.
I can't believe they were able to hide all the cars from us as I see a lot of family and great friends in the dining room waiting to welcome me home. We are led to the head of the table and given a present by Mia. It is the babies first sonogram and the latest one showing all three babies. There are three of them and it is very obvious they are all boys.
I wanted to surprise you in front if everyone that you have three little boys to teach how to fish and other boy things. Just make sure they learn how to cook and clean as well lol.
I think I can handle that. Thanks everyone for being here, but let's eat, because my tiny wife needs to eat and it's for four. I fill up Mia's plate and then mine as everyone chuckles as I get her plate handed to me and she gets what she wants to eat herself.
You look better than I thought you would, I was told a little of what happened over there and we are so glad you made it back alive. I whisper this to him and he nods, I tell him to talk to me later. He knows he can talk to me about what really happened to him there and just let it all out. It sometimes takes talking to someone who has been through battles to really understand the extent of what was going through their minds hearts and souls and what the real trauma they feel. I am just glad he decided to marry Mia before he went, he probably would have never married after going through what he did and it would be a great loss. Now he is going to be a father of three boys. He is very blessed, but he was very smart to elope with Mia.
I see the wheels turning in Ray's eyes, he was told about what happened with Dodge over there, but he said he will never tell anyone because it was bad, he wants Dodge to know he can trust him with the secrets and can talk to Ray any time and about anything.
Dodge and I go into my office and he and I get everything straightened out finally. I am finally told the truth about the three guys on his will and I am surprised to find out they were his illegitimate brothers. His dad was not faithful to his mother ever. His wealth somehow deluded him to think he can use then lose his female partners. But the brothers were are killed in separate but odd accidents. Dodge inherited all his dad's estate and has someone managing it along with an attorney. He didn't want Mia knowing about it or anyone else. But now that I know he wants me to have a forensic auditor go through things and find out if his attorney and the manager are dipping into the assets. He hands me the information and asks for a POA so he can give me authorization to do everything needed as family he can trust me with it at this point, because he knows that I would never hurt Mia in anyway. He is a very logical man and I will get right on it.

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