A New Kavanagh Family

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Jason Kavanagh
Todd was finally happy about my marrying his daughter, after Analisa and her behavior he was a bit worried, but he realized she was the only issue with our family. After everything I finally married Regina. I now am adopting her sons after getting 5heir permission to marry their mother. Mom is thrilled at my choice and my growth at the company. Mom really got the new Kavanagh Media 2 going very well. Kate is doing a great job as well. I am working my way up as I am about to graduate. I asked her and the boys on New Years Eve to become my family. Mom is ecstatic and only one family member is nay saying, but I take her advice with a grain of salt. Analisa was a huge pain about me marrying Regina. I told her to butt out. Regina never liked Analisa anyway, she thought she was a very selfish person.
Enid said to ignore Analisa and marry Jason and allow the adoption. Jason has been very good to us and so has most of his family. Analisa was the only issue. Eamon has a new family, but Enid is raising Augusta because his newest girlfriend doesn't want her around. Which is fine with us, because she is just a great young girl. She wants to be in my wedding, I want us to have a small wedding. Enid wants whatever we want. Kate is showing me different wedding gowns. Anastasia and Carla offered Debra's wedding gown and veil after I saw it in photos. It fit perfectly, so I decided to wear it. Jason borrowed a tux from Christian and a suit for Joshua. We didn't want anybody to have to buy outfits for the wedding. Dad had his own tux, he and Enid have gotten closer after mom passed a2ay he was very lonely and now he has opened up and they enjoy the boys and being family. Augusta admires him as well.
The wedding day was on New Years Day thanks to the everyone pitching in and helping it turned out great and we had a beautiful day for it all snowy and we enjoyed a perfect wedding day and babies and children running and playing. Mia's and my boys were playing with Augusta. Some of the single parents joined the festivities and Joshua met a nice young lady from the group. Melissa Bainbridge was a rape victim and decided to keep her daughter Deidre. They never caught her rapist. Anastasia made the introductions. At first Melissa was frightened of Joshua, but once she had got comfortable with him and then us she went out with Joshua.
I invited Melissa to the wedding along with Deidre. We are both getting a law degree. Mom loved her as soon as they met. Then Deidre was staying close to mom. Mom even invited them over the next time they were both available. I spoke to Melissa about our future and we decided that we would see where it goes and If we think it was something we both wanted and we decided to work towards a life together. She still has issues about the rape, but now we are both going to therapy to work on them together. In the process I have learned things  about my feelings about my father. The wedding went well and Deidre fell asleep in my moms arms. My mom has given us the thumbs up. Todd however wants us to wait until we get through most of the courses and get at least our degrees and start working. Carrick has offered us a position in his firm to get the used to a good law firm and how it works. We both accept his offer. Even though Analisa was and is a huge pain they always were family to the rest of us. Mom and Grace have always been close friends.
Meeting Joshua was a stroke of luck and he just happened to be helping out with things for the groups for his mom and Anastasia and we met each other and at first I didn't trust him, but he was very kind to all the parents, not just the females. He would help diaper and feed the babies. Then at times he would watch while the parent got sleep or studied. When the snow was bad he made sure people got home safely. He did this for everyone between his job, classes and studying. I was stunned when he invited us to his brothers wedding on New Years Day.
My speech is taking time to get back, they don't know why, but with therapy they think everything will be okay. The scans aren't showing a good reason for the speech issue. They think because of the delay in finding the clot is why I have speech issues. Considering I write books and work from home now, I don't have to really do a lot of talking in public. I am grateful for that.
I can't believe my brothers, one married a girl with triplets and adopted her boys. Then my other brother wants to marry a girl with a daughter from being raped. I overheard someone talking about it and thought my brother lost his mind. Mom told me if I cause trouble today I will wished I hadn't. Jordan and Eunice Welch are here. We are finally free of each other. He has moved on to college and getting his business degree. He works at GEH and so does Eunice. I have never heard back from them about my applications. Anastasia has made it very clear to me that I am being watched constantly to assure I stay away from her husband. Anastasia might have issues speech wise, but she doesn't have a problem with self defense. I saw her in action and I decided not to cross her at any time. Plus her grandparents will destroy me before Christian and Anastasia does. Mom is hoping I meet someone and get my degree.

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