Analisa Kavanagh Welch

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News Kavanagh Media 2 Youngest human trafficker busted after a sting setup for her plotting to murder Anastasia Grey and her two daughters. Investigators are keeping a tight lid on the whole story. I am heartbroken as her sister to be writing such a story. But news is news bad or otherwise we report it and family or not we have an obligation to report breaking news.
Analisa is being held with bail and no one is willing to assist her getting out on bail. We are finding out just how deeply she was involved in the human trafficking situation. She actually started her own business the second she met with a man in Seattle. She used the college to attract people like the groups we came across to help single parents sadly we had no idea they were false groups. Missing students was not uncommon, but we had no idea someone was using the college to traffic humans. I started investigating why the security on campus hadn't reported anything or even investigated it at all. Plus the cops didn't either. Very upset parents came forward in full force after the story hit the news.
I can't believe how truly evil Analisa is after being told exactly what was going on. They were able to get a few people back, but some just disappeared without a trace. She used a lot of resources to gain access to all ages of men women and children. Who knows how many died because of her and her actions.
I tell Anastasia Analisa can't worm out of this one and will not get out of prison if he has his way. The Kavanagh's are beside themselves for everything, but they can't know how bad she truly is. Eunice and Jordan are trying to distance themselves from her as well. But Enid has been making sure she shows no favoritism and has had articles written and plastered Luke all the other news papers have. Eamon hasn't hidden his articles either. His latest flame wrote a scathing article as well.
I was just happy that Debra and I announced our marriage and it came out that she was Anastasia's identical twin except for her personality. I can't believe everything that came out, the FBI is taking most of the credit for everything, as long as they take the blame too is what Howie and Caren have said as well. Analisa is going to rot behind bars for life. She is in a federal prison awaiting trials. Her men are not keeping quiet after she tried to pun everything on them and painted herself as a victim of theirs. When they followed the money they found out just how big the business was that Analisa ran. All her assets were frozen including one account with a man who claims he doesn't know Analisa and the money was his inheritance. They found a marriage license and he was caught trying to leave the country. She married him the moment the ink dried on her divorce papers.
I am waiting to be taken to court, when I suddenly feel a sharp pain in my arm. The cuffs on my hands and ankles are hooked to the bench and I can't say anything. I can't breathe and can't move, but I see everything happening around me. I see the two prisoners sitting next to me smiling. One leans over and says that is for my sister and her son you sold to their killer.
Unknown Prisoner 2
You can see hear things, but you can't respond in anyway. You enjoy the peace while you can, you will have plenty of visitors doing unimaginable things to you like you were okay allowing happen to my sister and her son. I am getting out of prison today and will be sent photos by friends guarding you.
Unknown Prisoner 1
I am not a prisoner, but I am a prison guard. People want you to suffer after seeing what you sent their dead family members to endure, some were so scarred they took their own lives. We won't allow you to do that. You have no clue since you are going to be left holding the bag for everything now. I laugh as I go to the restroom after my friend is heading there as well. The guards left us with with Analisa and we head to change into street clothing. I fix my lipstick and smile at my compadre and we leave one at a time and disappear while the guards walk over to get Analisa. We watch as they see something is wrong with Analisa. As the ambulance arrives I throw needle in the baggie down the sewer drain and we both go our separate ways.
I get a call about Analisa and they tell me she can't move, speak, but is very aware of people and everything they are doing and saying, but can't respond in anyway. They mention that they think someone drugged her somehow with a drug that does this and it can't be reversed at all. She will be held in prison because she was found guilty of all charges and all the others in the case made deals and the money trail leads to her and her husband. She was married within days of her divorce to Sam Jones. I ask how long she can live like that and they tell me they have no idea, but a few of her fellow inmates have taken a few liberties in hurting her. No one witnessed her being hurt though. She can't be put in solitary because of her condition and she needs care. But she is not their only inmate to worry about and resources are limited.  I have no idea what happened that Analisa turned out like this one out of four and Augusta is doing great. We try to keep her from hearing anything about Analisa, but her classmates are being cruel to her about it.
Three months later we get the news Analisa died from injuries from a fall from her hospital bed. Again no witnesses to the fall.

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