Caren Ross

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Detective Caren Ross
I am dragged into an undercover sting against Analisa Kavanagh Welch. Apparently she wants to kill Mrs Anastasia Grey. She is hoping to kill her twin daughters as well leaving Christian Grey a widow with no children due to being assassinated by a current enemy of mr Grey's. Analisa is setting it all up. I have been made up to look like Debra Anderson. She looks a lot like Mrs Grey. So that is why Analisa thought she was her at first. I still don't understand why they want her involved in the plan. Even my boss can't believe Analisa told Debra everything. Nothing makes sense except that Analisa wants the decks cleared for her to make a move on Christian Grey. But why involve Debra?
I am hiding out and so is Anastasia and her daughters. We still don't understand her thinking and plotting and anything else she does. The stories I have heard were drastic. Taylor is even confused about why she wanted me in on her plot to rid the world of Anastasia. Analisa wants me to see if I can get into GEH. Of course I can, but she told Caren to try it. She is not telling what her plans are. Even Caren and her team think she is keeping us busy while she is working a different plan entirely. James said that Dodge and Ray put a few people on her as well as Christian. He has had someone on her since she came back from Europe. They must be pretty good because we haven't notice anyone. Caren got inside and did as asked by Analisa.
This bull about not being Anastasia is going to stop as soon as she walks out the door of the restaurant. I am going to get Christian one way or another. Four guys are waiting to take her on her way to GEH. I went to the restroom to let my contacts know the target would be leaving soon. I sent a photo of her so they would see the clothing she has on. No one can look that much like each other. I have never seen them together ever. She seems to be in contact with Christian a lot as well. I checked her phone history and she and Christian called each other often. No text messages though. I didn't see any texts at all. That was all I could look at, because she was heading back to the table. I placed the phone back where I found it.
Howie Evers Undercover
I am watching and noticed Analisa go to the restroom. We placed a female undercover in the restroom just in case. Gladys Ford has been in a stall since before Analisa arrived. I am sitting close to Caren and Analisa. We have someone watching the restaurant and movement around it is very clearly a set up. Four guys in two different cars are in locations where they could see anyone. I am unsure about this situation. With four men and two cars along with maybe others we need to contain this right here and now. I call and inform about the four guys and two cars, but something tells me she has more involved. I call the surrounding backups. Caren is fully armed and very aware there are people waiting for her outside. We suspect that Analisa is seriously thinking of killing someone tonight. Because we can't get any kind of plans on it, we are sending Caren into a trap. One that is very dangerous. Tracking her is going to be hard knowing Analisa has been back in the country for a while and just now thinking she is being lied to about Debra's identity. We know she wants to get rid of Anastasia Grey and think Debra Anderson is lying to her about not being Anastasia.
I head out preparing for my cheap phone to be taken off of me the second I am grabbed. I start toward my car and I barely make it to my car when I am grabbed and my keys are taken and my car is unlocked and I am thrown into the back followed by two big men. My tracker is activated as I walk out the restaurant door. A medic alert bracelet and a raised tattoo are my safety devices. I couldn't be armed and no real ID on me. I am driving a car titled in Anastasia Grey's name.
I alert the team of five we have been activated, so Analisa walks out after she has been messaged it's done. She gets in her car and drives off. She is creating an alibi. One guy has placed a tracker on her car. James Davis wanted in on this trap. He might be too close to it, but he is good at his job and protecting Debra and now Caren from harm is very important. Our teams follow Caren, then Analisa, then the other two cars. They pull a switch at a local hotel and ditch Anastasia's car.
I have been alerted to the fact that the undercover has been grabbed and the ditched Anastasia's decoy car. Taylor advised us to get one of Anastasia's cars with the tracker already on it for Caren to drive. A.Grey plate makes it obvious who it belongs to. So we are finally going to get Analisa off the streets. The Kavanagh's are very truly saddened that Analisa is like this and so obsessed with me, she wants to kill my wife and daughters.
I finally know where they are taking Caren and alert Howie it is yet another setup and we need to arrive before they do, or we won't be able to stop them from killing Caren. Analisa went to a nightclub and parked her car and someone picked her up. Analisa apparently is headed to where Caren is located. Howie says they got in before Caren arrived.
We will be able to catch everyone in the act. I am shocked that Analisa wants to be on the scene her alibi must be foolproof then. We are waiting for Analisa to arrive and enter the building. There are six men and one with Analisa. All are armed. We have bullet prof vests on, including Caren. She is wearing a wire hidden in her bra. Underwire bras are on the comeback for undercover work.
Everyone is ready, Debra, Anastasia and her daughters are well hidden by Ray at a place in a small town they have a safe house for things like this. When Anastasia married Christian they decided to ensure Anastasia's safety. They keep it updated regularly. Even Christian had no idea it existed until now.
Everyone is in position and we head in and find something odd about the building. James has already infiltrated and guided us through a hall of mirrors. He guided us quietly through to the other side and an old amusement park has stored rides in this building. Plus house of mirrors and a house of horrors. This is going to be a major issue. Until we arrive at a different building that was buried underground. I called in for more people and The FBI. This is bigger than just assassinating a billionaire's wife and daughters. We found other captives. Caren is in a room full of men, women, children and crying babies. We have to be very careful. Analisa has arrived and is giving the men instructions. How is it even possible for her to be the boss of these men?
You know what to do, make the call to Christian and tell him what we want. I listen to him talking to Christian and reading off the paper of the demands. My alibi is in place and I am awaiting to find out if Christian will meet my demands. I start to leave, but am stopped by the men.  They remind me to drive back and pick up my car, I also need to move Anastasia's car to a place they can't find it.
We get the go ahead from the FBI Seattle office, they have entered the area and are at the rooms getting everyone out slowly and safely away from the danger. So we grab Analisa and the man with her before she is able to escape. Ten more men plus the other original men are all handcuffed and all their weapons are removed from them. By the time everything is said and done. Analisa met someone in the plane coming back from Europe and she set all of this up. She was using her connections with the Grey family and their helping single mothers to place her own group ads and trapped whoever arrived at the locations given. We immediately alerted The Grey family and the college about all of it. Sadly we don't know how long and how many people she sold off. We knew there was some missing students, but that is being looked into by a different department.

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