Regina's Trio

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Jacob, James and Jackson like playing in the childcare area at Kavanagh Media 2. Dad and I were hired as a package deal and We both got a raise at the end of the first month. Enid adopted her ex husbands love child Augusta and she likes playing with my triplets. She is three years old and they are a year old soon. All three are walking and getting into everything. Enid had daycare and that is why we came here to work, even if I wasn't hired by Enid the childcare is for family if employees as well. I think there are more employees caring for the children than there are working for the media departments. I met Jason and Joshua Kavanagh, dad warned me about them and told me to give them a wide berth. After meeting them I truly understood why. I told Jason to extend an invitation for Augusta to attend my boys first birthday party, because I was going to be very busy running errands.
Regina definitely didn't give Jason or Joshua any kind of encouragement at all. I think she has learned her lesson after the triplets father. Gregg Smith was bad news and nearly dragged my daughter into the slime he oozed out if to catch onto her coat tails. If he hadn't been shot and killed during his criminal activities Regina might have ended up behind bars because of him. I moved her and the triplets in with me immediately after the cops notified her of his death and served her with a search warrant. I got her an attorney after telling her not to answer any questions until she spoke to the attorney I hired for her defense. Innocent or not they might have found her guilty of something and she had no idea who Gregg really was. They ran off when they turned 18 and got their marriage license after finding out she was pregnant with his triplet sons. The boys are happy go lucky kind of babies. I childproofed everything when we realized how curious they are. They are walking everywhere and reaching everywhere. Coming to work for Enid was a great idea, we are saving quite a lot in childcare costs. We even drive in together and the childcare is excellent thanks to Enid's help from Christian Grey and his staff. He made sure everything was up and running for Enid and all she had to do was unlock the doors and the staff already were proficient on everything thanks to his staff training them. Security is as well. Ex military and non nonsense kind of people both male and female alike. Enid chose the ones she thought would fit in best. Only two didn't fit in at the company, so she hired them for home. They seem to have liked that idea better.
The party
I brought Augusta and we and a few others brought children to a small event. But it was made very nice and the kids and adults had tremendous fun. Augusta wants a party like it on her birthday. Nothing extravagant and simple games for the children. Regina asked that we not spoil the boys with expensive gifts. We gave them useful things and educational stuff. One person got them hats with our new name on them. It was adorable and a lot if pictures were taken. I found out where they got the caps and got more ordered for the childcare area and for the employees. Jason and Joshua got the first adult caps as they were visiting the day they arrived in my office. Oh well it is good advertising and had two more ordered. I grabbed one and placed on my head and had the boys pass the rest out to the kids and staff alike. Todd laughed and I placed a cap on his head as well as Regina's. It is good to advertise that you work here.
I adjusted the hat and smiled as I went about talking to Jack about cutting his story in half. He has been fighting me on every story I give him. He wants the Jim Davidson story, but that is not going to happen. I have explained to him that Kate had the story and has all the interviews done a long time ago. Christian Grey gave her the exclusive not her mother and not me. I told him to do the stories he was assigned.
I can't stop thinking about Regina and what mom said as well. Can I be there for Regina and her boys like they would need me to be? Maybe start with the boys and then see how it will work with Regina. I think talking to Todd would be a good start and ask what he thinks about my idea.
Jason asked for a few minutes to talk to me about something in private. When he told me his plans I laughed and wished him good luck. I like the kid and he has a good head on his shoulder and he saw how much his father has hurt his mother by his philandering. You can tell how hurt he was when it all came out. Even though Augusta isn't his mother's real child it is still his half sister and now fully adopted sister to him. He has never treated her any less than he treats his other sisters. Analisa is going to be getting her high school diploma soon and wants to attend college in Europe. Enid has told me it is upsetting, but mr Grey has offered his assistance in assuring her safety and a safe place to live. He has a home there and near a college.
I finally met Regina after hearing her mentioned at supper several times. Granted she is very pretty, but she has triplets and I don't think Jason should get involved with her at all. Mom told me that Christian Grey has offered use of his home for me to stay at while attending college in Europe. Christian is yummy too bad he is married. Anastasia is a lucky lady. Mom told me to stop fantasizing about him and start finishing my education. Anastasia you better watch your back if I get the chance I will take him from you.

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