A Christmas Present

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The boys are cooing and we are heading to mom and dads, our entourage are seated in the van by the boys. The bodyguards are in front and behind us. I had no idea Christian hired so many people to protect us and his nephews. I can't believe that someone tried to kidnap David from the nursery. Luckily they were stopped very quickly and the boys were moved into the room with me and big men were guarding my room 24/7.
After David was brought back after being checked by the doctors, they moved all three boys into the room with Mia and me. Christian hired the men to guard us, but it wasn't because of him the boy were targeted. Someone got hold of the fact the owner of Sullivan company became a father of three made the news and they released the hospital name and someone thought they could make some quick cash by kidnapping the heirs to my fortune. An alert nurse caught the culprit and called security and the hospital was on pink alert and they couldn't get the baby out of the hospital. They are in jail awaiting trial for kidnapping. It is all on video and witnesses pulled his mask off and got a good picture of him. I had no idea who he was.
Anastasia and I are going to have a baby because of bad condoms they tore. We can now stop using the darn things. We are waiting to tell everyone the news, but it was the best Christmas present ever for us.
Elliott and I have gotten past the three month period and we are going to announce our pregnancy on Christmas Day. Mom is joining us as well. Augusta, Jason, Regina and her three children are coming as well Ray and Carla. Anastasia, Christian, Gale, Jason T and Sophie are coming as well. The Grey house is huge so we go to their home for Christmas and other family events.
I was going to call Joshua and Analisa but no one answered my calls even Eunice wasn't home. I gave up and drove to the Grey home to help with all the Christmas festivities. Regina and Jason are arriving later. We set up a couple of rooms for the triplets both sets. Augusta is thrilled to help with everything she is such a good child. I am glad she is now my daughter. My media company is getting bigger and we have a small office in New York close to GEH thanks to Christian. A knock in the door comes and the maid makes an announcement that stops everyone in their tracks. Analisa Welch, Jordan Welch, Eunice Welch, Joshua Kavanagh and Elizabeth Kavanagh. Okay I know everyone but Elizabeth.
I go to my mom and lead my very pregnant wife to meet my mother, the one standing in front of me turning white as a ghost. I help my mom and my wife to a seat. Jordan is handling his grandmother and Analisa to another seat. Mom is looking at me, then Elizabeth and her baby bump then she looks at Analisa and Jordan. Finally I tell her that Elizabeth and I got married not long after Analisa and Jordan did.
So when are the babies due? Analisa everyone is going to be here today, don't get any ideas about Christian again.
I won't Jordan knows about that and I have grown up a little more since then.
All I have to say is that you better behave. Grace and Carrick will throw you out and never allow you back again.
I want my baby to be born in Seattle and  Elizabeth and Joshua want there baby born here in Seattle as well. We found out where mom was from her housekeeper. So we came over. Not to worry Jordan is all I want.
I help Anastasia with the gifts along with Gale, Taylor and Sophie. Anastasia and I know that Analisa and her husband are here and are prepared for her today. Kate and Elliott's car was already here. It looks like Mia and Dodge are here as well. Mom and dad need a parking lot for her guest. Luckily Ray and Carla can drive their golf cart over from next door.
Oh boy take security with you to the bathroom Christian. I don't trust Analisa married or not.
Who is Analisa?
Trouble and Kate's sister. She isn't a person to learn from is all I will tell you for now.
I go help Anastasia and Christian bring in the Christmas gifts and see Taylor is with them, so we have plenty of people who will be watching Analisa in case she is full of crap.
I ask if there are any more gifts in the car and Christian said there were things in the car. He told me chocolate cake and a few other dishes Anastasia and Gale made for Christmas dinner.
I am sitting by Carla keeping a close watch on Analisa, I think everyone is watching her like a hawk. It's hard not to. We meet Eunice and Jordan Welch and then Elizabeth Kavanagh. Something tells me she thought Joshua was wealthy. Jason and Regina are still setting things up in the room Grace set up for them to play in and nap in. Carla decided to go check on the babies and the other triplets. Anastasia follows her and I assume she is talking to each other about Analisa. Kate goes as well. Mia is already in there with everyone including Regina and Jason. Dodge of course was staying close to Mia and their boys.
How did you take care of triplets all by yourself Regina? We still haven't gotten a schedule together yet.
I still am wondering how I did it, but it is one day, one hour and then before you know it they are becoming independent little people helping out in tiny ways. Now I have a lot of help Jason, Enid , Kate, Elliott, Anastasia, Christian, Grace, Carrick, Ray, Carla and many more people helping me out. All three boys enjoy the attention they get.
At dinner
I announced to everyone Elliott and I are finally pregnant. As we already knew Analisa was pregnant and Elizabeth was as well. Regina's triplets asked why Analisa and Elizabeth were fat, I couldn't help but laugh out loud at that stage. Mom almost laughed herself, but hid behind a napkin. Grace explained as best she could to the boys.

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