A Death At Dawn

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Ray called me at four am to tell me the news before it hit the news papers. He called me and wanted me to tell Anastasia later. Leila found a way out of her cell, she killed two of the people on staff before they shot her at the gate. The psychiatrist who admitted her at the hospital was helping her escape and he got caught in the cross fire. He died along with Leila. He had became infatuated with her when she was at the hospital and they used the time in sessions to work to get her out of the place she was taken to.
This part doesn't need to be known until necessary. Debra, had never told us about her family and I investigated quietly and discovered why she didn't tell us about them. If you are standing sit down. Leila is Anastasia's cousin, I looked further and I found out it is true. Debra was the only family member to escape them. She kept her head down and I thought it was because she was shy. Her family was looking for her. Now you know why I adopted Anastasia as quickly as I could do it. Anastasia has never displayed any of the traits that Leila had. I think her whole family is crazy. But hopefully we can contain this news and keep Anastasia out of the story. I am hoping it doesn't reach them.
Anastasia is nothing like them. She only Carrie's her gun when necessary. Hopefully it won't be. Is this an inherited issue?
After looking into it, it isn't inherited at all. Anastasia got all the good genes and we checked Leila and she was born like Anastasia and she was pretty much abused from birth. How Debra got away from all of that and became the wonderful person she was is amazing. We were asked not to ask about her family and I did as she asked until her death. The day after I was informed of the kind I'd family they are and were I contacted your father to get her adopted by Carla and I as soon as possible. How Debra survived and became the person she was, was a miracle. I see her when I look at Anastasia and I found a letter to us and to Anastasia and I really am not sure about giving it to Anastasia after recent events. Do you want to look at it and help me decide if it would be a good thing or not?
For now hold on to it, I think right now we need to let things remain the way they are. I want her untainted of all of Leila and her horrible family until she has her own family and knows it doesn't matter about where she came from, it matters who she has become because she was given a better life and better people in her life because her mother made hard choices and suffered for them to make a good life what little of she had. What did your letters say if I can ask.
It basically told me if anything happened to her and Lewis that she wanted me and Carla to adopt Anastasia immediately to prevent her family from coming to get her. She gives the names and she doesn't want them even near Anastasia. She also said to keep any of their offspring away from Anastasia. There was a huge list, I had some black ops look into them and it was bad back then and worse now. But they have no idea about Anastasia or even Debra's death. You would hear of the Lincoln's deaths if they had. Just tell her Leila was killed escaping and leave it at that for now. I have people watching her family for movement towards Seattle.
Dr Jones
I couldn't believe dr Smith is dead and had planned to help Leila Williams escape from the maximum security psychiatric facility. I mean after finding out who this woman really is and he was helping her escape to do further damage to others he should never have been given his license to practice.
I read the news after getting a call about Leila being helped to escape and with help with a psychiatrist from our hospital. Both were killed by shots fired to stop Leila from escaping. After all they did to make Leila didn't escape she gets one of our drs to help her escape. Both were killed when they tried to get away together. The man had a new baby and a wife and two more children and he risked it all for Leila. Mrs Roberts was questioned by the cops in her hospital room after giving birth. She had no idea why her husband hadn't responded to her calls until later. Everyone went to her and offered her all kinds of support and she asked to talk to Carrick finally. She wanted to change her name and her children's  names as well. He did it for free and he got hold of her family and they came and got her moved to where they were living. She lost everything. Carrick handled everything for her including all the burial and insurance and wills. She contacted him a week later and gave him a burner phone number.
Grace asked me to help Mrs Roberts and I found out why and I got everything done easily except I ran into a huge problem with a federal agency that told me why Mrs Roberts needed to change all her and her kids IDs and names completely. They stepped in and took over and all the family was immediately moved and left me to bury the husband and get the life insurance and will in order. An agent made contact with me and came to get the completed work and gave me a huge check and told me to forget everything I read, heard or saw. I agreed. A hundred thousand dollars was huge for what I did for Mrs Roberts.

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