Mia Sullivan

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Dodge called me as soon as he landed, but he couldn't tell me where he was at or where he was going to yet. He wanted to make sure everything was okay and I was doing okay. He said Ray and Carla were going to be there for me too. Just call them. Ray can help with any snags I might run into with the military pay. I should be able to keep my regular doctors for any medical treatment and dental is another matter. I stop him and ask if he has slept and I am okay, the first night was hard, but I got a security guard from Christian to make sure I was safe.
That's good to hear and I hope you keep one with you to make sure you are safe. Thank your family for me. Thanks for marry me too. I love you and our baby. I have to go the other guys need to call their loved ones as well.
He hung up so fast I forgot what dad wanted me to tell him about his will. I call dad and tell him, I couldn't tell Dodge about the will, but I am going to the next time I talk to him. Mom and dad invited me to dinner with the family. They are worried about me being alone. I have Sharon Lewis my CPO drive me to my parents to have dinner with them. Everyone is here and they serve a small wedding cake and promise to have one when Dodge gets home.
You can stay with us if you want to Mia, Gale would love taking care of you and your cravings, her words not mine.
She and your mother want all us childbearing aged female family members to be pregnant. They have Mia now.
The more the merrier. I smirk at Anastasia. We both laugh. Raymond and Carla look up and smile. They want her pregnant more than I do.
No one knows I am trying my best to get pregnant, but my darling husband, who is really enjoying practicing making a baby. Gale us afraid to walk into rooms when we are home for fear of seeing too much. Mia told us she wants to be near Dodge's things.
Are you able to go to the sites I asked you to?
Yes Sharon and I have been busy and we sent the all the information to your email and the accounting department. Elliott sent you a few as well.
So any news from Dodge yet?
He called to let me know he arrived, but he had to let the other men call their families as well. He said he would try to call when got time and if it was safe.
That is how it goes for the military wives and families. Just hang in there. Don't hesitate to call us if you need us okay? We will come right away.
Thanks mr Steele. I will do that. Right now Gale pampering me sounds good.
I can do that when I am off work. How are you feeling?
Tired for the most part. No morning sickness yet. But I am only four weeks.
How do you feel about being pregnant and alone? Well I mean as a military dependent?
It is still new to me, but I am navigating with help right Ray?
Yes you are, just call me if you need help again.
Thanks I will need to figure out some of the paperwork. I will schedule time and call you.
Sure thing. Anything for family.
Don't forget about the will, if we can get him to sign it, we should be able to get it filed in the courts.
Okay dad. I think we should be okay as long as Ray and Carla are the only ones in the original will.
They weren't and I don't know the other people in the wills. So we need to get it all straightened out.
I might know who they are if you want me to look at it. I can.
Okay when dinner is over.
Okay we have news for everyone as well.
Really you want to tell everyone now?
Yes, Kate and I trying to have a baby and we might be pregnant already.
We might be, it might not be morning sickness Elliott.
Have you scheduled an appointment yet?
Yes it is on Monday.
My phone rings and it is an unknown number. I answer and it is Dodge calling and Input him on speaker. Dodge I am with my family dad wants to ask about the will and the three people you named along with Ray and Carla.
I tell him the names and he says they aren't alive anymore.
He doesn't say anything else and he tells me he won't be able to call me for about six months. If he is able to he will try sooner. I tell him to be careful and I love him.
I love you and miss you kiss your belly for me. Hope everyone is well, suddenly a loud noise goes off. I have to go now. Bye now.
That didn't sound good at all.
It was probably training in the background they get quite loud in the background. Don't think to hard about it. Think of the baby and take of you and him or her for Dodge until he comes back.
Keep strong for Dodge, you and your baby until he shows up and surprises you by walking in the front door with his dirty laundry.
I laugh and we all laugh at the idea that he might just do that knowing how men can be about coming back from trips.
You recall my trips don't you?
So does grandma and we had to wash everything three times to get them clean.

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