The Last Supper

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Anastasia played the recording for me and I couldn't believe that this girl, I had met in passing thought I was going to end my marriage for her. I know her mother will go along with what Anastasia has in mind. I told her mother I would let her stay in my home, but not going to do that now. Anastasia and I found someone who is lonely for company and is an employee of mine. She said she would allow her to stay with her, and her security would assure she behaves and attends college. Enid and discussed it and she likes the idea of it. We can create limits on her funds and not allow visitors and make sure she attends college as well. She will never find out my address there and she just dropped by today and basically told Anastasia she was going to be my wife soon so she should take a hike. I have never looked at the girl in that way.  Anastasia tells me that she has a plan, and Analisa is not going to be happy. She is having the Kavanagh's for supper and Gale and Jason are joining us. She is going to be hiding while I greet the Kavanagh's an hour before Analisa arrives with her suitcase. I tell Anastasia that maybe not an hour, but she said that way we can work out exactly how to handle things.
I tell Christian that Analisa's suitcase won't be getting past the coat closet by the front door. Supper will be served and she will be arriving soon afterward and she will bring the information about where Analisa is staying and we won't be telling her it's not your home. We will be setting her straight though about her status in our home. I have warned Kate about what is going on tonight and Elliott wants to see the little brat put in her place. I told Christian to stop her ordering the staff around and watch how she handles it. We are definitely going to shut down her game.
I can't believe Analisa went over and basically told Anastasia to take hike because she is claiming Christian as her man. Even told her staff to clear Anastasia's things out of her own home. When I heard the recording I agreed to bring her siblings minus Augusta. Elliott is coming as well. This is just going to be a painful wake-up for Analisa. I told the kids to make sure Analisa is forced to sit between them and not allow her up.
I arrive at Escala and Joshua, then mom, Kate and Elliott. Christian arrives and we all go up in the elevator. Taylor leads us into the penthouse. The table is set for supper, no candles and no romantic anything going on. Christian tells us where we can wash our hands for supper and then talks to mom and Kate. He then talks to Anastasia about a change of plans.
Christian has told me that I am not hiding anywhere and we both need to confront Analisa head on together and make her very aware of the fact that she can't break up our marriage. We just decided to have our first child. I will still be attending college and writing my books. The last thing I need is the stress of Analisa trying to destroy our marriage. He reminded me of that.
I finally got Anastasia to see that we all needed to confront Analisa about her fantasy of breaking up my marriage for her crush. So we are not having anyone hide and no one is moving out and absolutely no one us moving in. Analisa is going to learn that telling my wife she is going to marry me is not acceptable at any time. Causing my wife pain for no reason not going to happen again. She will not be allowed near Anastasia or I again.
I arrive and am escorted to the penthouse, he makes sure I can't see him input the code.  I ask him to give it to me and he told me he isn't allowed to give me any codes for any reason. I have my suitcase and when we arrive he puts it in a closet by the door. I tell him that goes in the bedroom and he laughs and tells me until mr Grey tells him different that it goes in the closet. I am about to say he is fired if he doesn't do as I ask him to, when I hear Christian laughing. Taylor has me follow him to the dining room. He sits down by Gale and Joshua pulls out the chair between him and my brother Jason and tells me to sit down. I look and Anastasia is sitting next to Christian and he has his arm around her and leans over to kiss her.
Analisa we are here to discuss your actions today, you came to see Anastasia and tell her you are taking her husband away from her. I don't know what you were thinking, but Christian Grey is married to Anastasia and he has not once shown an interest in you at all. He offered to help you in Europe and getting you a place to live and see to it that you were safe, he didn't propose marriage to you or say anything about divorcing his wife of a few months. Did he?
Not in so many words.
Not in any words, I think we will be having you see a psychiatrist to get you straightened out before we send you out if the country.
If you ever come to my wife and tell her to move out because you are going to break up my marriage again. I will make you suffer for it. Do you understand me?
Yes I do.
I love Anastasia very much. I have never really paid much attention to you at all. The only reason I mentioned helping you in Europe was for your moth, not for you. Are we clear now?
Yes we are clear.
You owe me, my staff and especially Anastasia a huge apology and take your suitcase back home with you.
I apologized to everyone and decided to leave. Taylor escorted me out and hid the code he was inputting.
Well that is over, let's eat everyone, unless you guys want to console Analisa. They all stayed and we had a nice time.

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