Final Resting Place

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Eamon and I were the only people that attended the memorial for Analisa sadly. Her ashes were handed to us in a box and a big baggie. The death certificates were given to us as well her trust funds were donated along with the life insurance we forgot about were given to her victims and their families. The frozen assets were turned over to the victims as well.
The Kavanagh, Sullivan, Davis, and Grey family have grown and along with Jordan and his wife and children are all at the graduation of Regina and James quadruplets college graduation. Penelope married Jackson Kavanagh after she became an attorney following in her grandpa Carrick's footsteps. Phoebe went into writing and is now married to her editor Collin Brown, whom she met in England on a trip with her mother.
I can't believe we had twin boys three years later and Christian Andrew and Carrick Elliott Grey are working to take over GEH together. Roz and Gwen were thrilled and took semi retirement like Christian has. Now we can enjoy some of his money to travel. Sadly he has gotten better looking with time and we have hired extra bodyguards to keep the teeny boppers from trying to sleep their way into his life. I still get the stray man trying to hit on me, but they back off after hearing my last name. I think Christian's reputation about destroying any competitors for my attention precedes him.
I sit and am very proud of our family, Carrick reaches over and takes my hand and smiles. We made it through everything and look at all our grandchildren and now great grandchildren. Even Eamon and Enid are thrilled with Augusta and her standing up to her birth mother when she wanted to take Enid's spotlight at her wedding. Jordan did very well picking out his next wife. Mia and Dodge brought Sullivan out and made it much bigger and added a security company as well.
I watch as everyone is playing different games in the huge backyards that were finally combined and we have family gatherings here. Taylor and Gale's children are playing with Sophie's new baby. David Williams joined my law firm not long ago and he has made a real mark in the Seattle area.
We have finally made peace with what happened when I was born. Anastasia and I each gave birth to two sets of identical twins. My boys Isaac and James Davis along with Annabelle and Dawn Davis are three years younger then her sons. I thought we would never have babies until suddenly we did. I gave birth not knowing I was pregnant with my boys. Surprise surprise. They were both born healthy as they could be. Not one health issue. Good thing I always ate well and didn't drink or take medications at that time.
Kate and I have six children two natural and four adopted children. One of my close friends left us their four children in his will. We were woke up at three in the morning by a person in the emergency room about Stan and Felicia dying after being hit by a drunk driver as they were driving home to relieve their babysitter, after being out celebrating their seven year wedding anniversary. We ended up with a month month old boy Thomas Andrew, a two year old David Alexander, a four year old Shawna Amber and a six year old Katherine Lynn in one shot. We had a hard time at first but Kate finally said we need to adopt them as soon as possible and move to a larger home and we did all of that. We hired more help and Kate started working from home to assure the children all were well loved and cared for. It took nearly a year before Kate and Katherine finally made a connection and it was the oddest thing to bond over, since Kate is clueless as a cook. Katherine 2anted to learn so they found that Mia had the skills and so did Debra and Anastasia. So my kitchen was filled with people trying to teach Kate and Katherine how to cook. Free labor. The kitchen was a mess at first. But a month later we had a wonderful home cooked meal by Kate and Katherine. All the kids got involved in learning to cook. I escaped it all.
After all these years and all the things we all went through things have finally made us relax and our children and grandchildren are playing with reckless abandon just like Elliott did as a child according to Grace. She always feared he would get hurt, but he seemed to never get injured. Even now he doesn't get hurt and he still shows he can climb on the roofs with out any issues. He is getting too old for that kind of thing. We have two who want to go into the construction business. Ava Lynn is managing her own company now and Elliott Jr is handling some of the business until he knows if he likes it or not.
I retired after becoming a grandpa, luckily I am independently wealthy because mr Grey made sure his employees got good advice on how to invest our money to provide for a better future for our families. Raymond and Carla couldn't make to the graduation due to poor health, but we face timed and their nurses showed everything they could to them.
Grandma died within three days of grandpa. I was mourning both of them and Debra joined me and we both visited mom and dads graves that were next to theirs.
Even though I embraced my family I still think of Lou and his part as my father. Georgia I barely knew so missing her was not something I felt. Grace and Carla were like mothers to me, then Eunice and finally Enid. James told me blood is not always what binds us to our family, but love and kindness create bonds that could last a lifetime.
We are one huge family bound by all kinds of things and that is a good thing.
Anastasia and I love each other no matter what and our love for our growing family is getting bigger everyday.
Hope you liked the story and have great holidays.
The end

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