Harvard Graduate

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Finally I have my degree finally and Roz is coming with me and I have found us places to live in Escala and new apartment complex and I have made enough to buy my apartment and hers in the building. I paid Ray back with interest. It is a very secure building, I also hired a guy who knows Ray as my bodyguard, head of security and driver all rolled into one Jason Taylor was in black ops. He has set up all the cctv cameras and the monitor room, plus the staffs rooms are all ready to go. I hired a decorator for the place and had a chef design the kitchen for my housekeeper and house manager. The chef gave me a lead on a good person to hire for that position and I had Jason run a back ground check on Gail Johnson for me and she had excellent references. She is a widow, her husband was killed in a bank robbery shortly after they married sixteen years ago they married while they were in high school both were sixteen and she was pregnant, but after his death she lost the baby. She got her GED and was working until her employer passed away and his family had no need for her services any longer. She inherited a large sum of money after his death, because she was the only one who took care of him.
I have to say Gale Johnson is pretty nice and nice too look at. I think about my ex wife and calm down my attraction to Gale. I can't wait for Sophie to visit me here in Seattle. Now I need to take Gale to meet mr Grey. I tell her he is 22 years old and owns GEH and she is shocked at how young he is avid he owns the GEH company.
I can't help noticing how attractive this guy is and his name is Jason Taylor. He talks to me about the job and I need to sign an NDA if hired and he hands it to me along with the duties I will have and the salary as well. He takes me to mr Grey's office and introduces me to a very attractive and serious looking young man and has me sit down and I watch as mr Grey looks at his computer screen and types for five minutes and looks up and says sorry for the wait, but give me five more minutes to finish this proposal and I will be with you.
Taylor can you get us something to drink Mrs Johnson what would like to drink Taylor can get us something. Have you read the duties yet?
Yes mr Grey I have and I am amenable to all of it. This is a live in position right?
Yes Mrs Johnson it is. Staff quarters are separate from the main apartment and has it's own kitchen and living room. Each bedroom has its own bathrooms, you share the kitchen and living areas. TVs are in each bedroom.
What drinks would you both like?
Water for me.
Water as well thanks Taylor. When can you start working.
When do you need me?
Yesterday, but if you can right now if you want to. The kitchen is fully stocked and Taylor and I have been ordering take out and could use a home cooked meal if you are up to it?
I can handle it I just need to have my things brought up to me.
We can arrange people to go get your things right now just sign the NDA and the employment agreement and give Taylor the address and the keys to get inside and tell him what to get you.
All of it is mine and I would like use it in my quarters if you don't mind.
Not at all, just tell the men what you want and where you want it. I have Taylor show Gale where she will be living and then he has men go get her things and bring them back here. We had the other things placed in a guest room until we get our storage unit straightened out.
I call Christian and have him allow me up to see his apartment and finally I arrive as people are cooking in the kitchen. A beautiful blonde woman is cooking in the kitchen and talking to a man, who notices me and introduces himself as Christian's head of security. He dismisses the security guard and leads me to an office where Christian is looking at his computer and typing away. I laugh as he finally notices me.
I see you found me finally, I guess you are hungry right? Hold on I dial the kitchen and hope Gale answers the phone. Gale can you make three more servings of what you are creating in the kitchen. My brother is joining us to eat tonight.
I can do that and it should be ready in an hour. What would you like to drink sir?
Beer for Elliott,  water and wine for me. Have whatever you and Taylor want to drink.  I hang up and start typing again and finally complete the proposals for the day. I get up and show Elliott the apartment and the guest rooms one for Mia, mom and dad and Elliott's room. The other three guest rooms now have furniture from the staffs quarters. I show him the library, the media room and the room with the bar and pool table in it. I need help on the media room and how I want it set up.
I know a guy who can really set this up like a theater if you want it like that?
I would love to see some ideas on it if you can call him and have him email his suggestions.

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