A Barbados Adventure

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Elliott and I left for Barbados to have a couple of peaceful weeks and Mia is going over to have his home checked over with some of his crews. He wants everything cleaned and fixed and new furniture. Beds, bedding, all the towels. Mia has her hands full and Mark is never allowed to enter the property again and Elliott plans on suing him for his most recent damage. Carrick filed the law suit. This was his fourth time of thinking it was okay to destroy Elliott's home with his wild parties. Taylor got with Ray and hired some of the military men who take things like this very seriously. So they will keep Mark from going inside the property. They have his photos. Mia changed the locks per Elliott's instructions. She found the number to Elliott's insurance adjuster and had them come give an estimate for all the damages done by Mark and the adjuster wrote a conservative estimate. They are going to cover the damages and are going after Mar in court themselves for the money.
After Mia told me what the adjuster said, I called him directly and he said my crew could do the work and authorized it and wrote the check out. I had Mia get copies of his photos and then had everything done including the extra things I asked for. I just had Mia keep the jobs separated. I was happy they were already working and security had changed the locks and updated my security. The extra cost for those things was over ten grand but twenty thousand dollars in damages by Mark was enough to make sure he never stepped for in my home or on my property again. I decide to have Mia oversee things and call Ray or dad if she gets bullied by my crew.
I arrived prior to the security and work crews so the insurance adjuster could see the damage as Elliott had. Omg the place was horrible. A dumpsters was delivered, but I think more were going to be needed. I was praying no one was still in here. This Mark guy totally disrespected my brother and his property. What friend does this type of thing four times. I was thinking of what we would need when the security brought the insurance adjuster walked in and started gagging from the odor. He started writing right away and taking photos of everything and he asked if a cleaning crew was coming and they arrive at that point. They were instructed by the insurance guy. He t9ld them where to start and he took further photos and started going back through after they cleaned everything as best that they could. He had them give him the bill and then asked them to see what other things on the property needed cleaning as well. They found even worse areas. He took photos of before and after each thing they cleaned and he checked to see if things were working and half were destroyed. He had them do extra and write down the models and serial numbers and dates from each of the items. At that point the crews arrived and assisted in removing all of the destroyed things. A brand new freezer, a side by side refrigerator. A huge tv and entertainment center all were destroyed. Those were itemized and the original twenty thousand dollars turned into forty five thousand dollars in damages. Before the structural damages were assessed. Walls needed to be repaired parts of the fence needed replaced. The garage doors. It finally ended up being over a hundred thousand in total. The adjuster said they would be pressing charges against Mark themselves. Elliott had his guys working over time to fix the house and the cleaning crew was paid to work along with them and then come back after they completed the repairs to clean and straighten everything up. All of us were exhausted. The house finally started smelling much better than before. Dumpsters came and went and the guys kept all the receipts and work logs were kept and they were paid daily by the accountants. Everything was paid by Elliott and the insurance checks only cover seventy percent of the end costs.
I dropped by Elliott's to make sure things were going well for Mia and they were Ray arrived and was helping as well. He brought a crew to install the security room and cctv cameras and keypad doors and a few things that I had never seen or heard of. Elliott hired a few guys to man the gates and work in the security room. Mia. showed me the original condition of the house. I want to go after Mark. Maybe Kate can get rid of these so called friends. Mia definitely worked hard getting people in here to clean and repair things in the time she was allotted.
I have enjoyed every day with Kate. I was rough on her her our first time making love, but after I found out Jim lied, I treated her the way she deserved to be treated. We had a lot of interesting sex talks and I showed her a few interesting things that we used  on each other and we really connected and I believe we were meant to be together after all. I married her because I was lonely and now I think it was love at first sight and took advantage and married her in Vegas. Dad was worried about a prenuptial agreement, I told him that I wasn't worried about it at all. Because right now I would give her half of everything anyway.
I admitted to Elliott that I had a crush on him since the first time I met him in person. We have been in bed and he answers the door to return the food carts and get new ones. He had them bring whipped cream and other food items. He definitely liked whipped cream and we used it a lot. He brought some interesting toys with him that he bought especially for our honeymoon. I found out about shrinkage with the whipped cream. He brought something to cover the bedding so the whipped cream and ice cream didn't mess the bedding up. Then the flavored oils. Elliott told me he had a girlfriend who was very experimental and they tried a bit of everything. I am one lucky wife. The edible things were amazing and he sent me to someone who shaved me clean and unsure what to think of it and he encouraged me and it was very erotic and different. He said it was my choice but to try it once to see if I liked it first. I have to say me in a dim suit was fun, he likes roll playing too. We don't get rough just playful.

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