A Photo Blurred

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I had to meet with a new employee to take over a new company I bought. She was part of the staff and daughter of the owner who died and left her the company. It was too much for her to run on her own. Taylor gave me all the information on the employees, but a lot of photos weren't clear in their personnel files. So I am here at the company meeting Debra Lou Anderson the daughter of Lou and Georgia Anderson formally of Seattle Washington. Debra was born in Seattle. Georgia died when she was shot and killed in the same bank robbery Anastasia's parents were in. Debra was home ill with her grandma that day.
I have asked to meet with Debra Anderson before mr Grey arrives to ask about the security and safety issues the tech company might have at this point. When I walk in I stop dead in my tracks. I am looking at an identical twin to Anastasia Grey. I ask her to hold on a moment and call  Anastasia and ask her a simple question and then ask for Gale and she assures me that Anastasia is standing right next to her. I call mr Grey in private and tell him to that Debra Anderson is an identical twin to Anastasia in looks voice and demeanor. I go back in the office and ask if she was adopted?
No I was born in Seattle to Lou and Georgia Anderson. My mom was killed in a bank robbery when she was a month old. He double checks my birthday. He is definitely acting strangely.
I arrive and I am dumbfounded and ask if I can show her a photo of my wife. I show her and she sits down and I tell her everything I know. I show her a photo of Anastasia and then ask if I can take a photo of her. She allows it. I ask if we can see if she is related to Anastasia both have the same birthdays and born in Seattle. I ask if we can get DNA tests done to see if they are related. Mom told me that Carla and Ray told them about a twin sister that supposedly died at birth and none of them saw the body. It was cremated. Anastasia was never told about it.
I can't get on a flight until I am released to by the neurosurgeon. So Christian has someone take DNA samples from me and has them tested against Debra Anderson. He sent a photo of her and it is like looking at myself. Grace even agrees it is strange. So does Ray and Carla. They finally tell me about my twin sister who they never saw her body and had been cremated supposedly. They want to get the ashes tested as well. Apparently they are in their safe along with birth and death certificates.
I fly to New York to get the DNA test in person. Carla doesn't want to leave Anastasia because of her being on restricted activities. Plus she doesn't want to leave her after what happened for fear she will possibly die. After losing both her parents I couldn't fault Carla in her thinking. We still think about how her parents were killed. We found out Gale's husband was killed in the same robbery. Now we might have another grandchild that was taken from the hospital. Grace is looking into exactly what happened the day Anastasia was born. Christian and Taylor bring Debra to pick me up and we go directly to the hospital. Debra Anderson looks like Anastasia and if not for nuances I would think I was sitting right by Anastasia.
Grandpa sent me a photo and everyone else sees the resemblance but I don't. But I am still recovering from everything. My neurosurgeon said any time you have things happen in or around your brain things can change in abilities and other things so I might have other issues as well.
I didn't want to leave my grandchild or my great grandchildren for fear something might happen to them. This is very upsetting to Anastasia, me, and Ray. To think someone might have kidnapped her sibling at birth and cremated a dead baby to give us something representing her. Grace is going through the medical records and trying to find out anything she can about Anastasia and Annabelle's birth and what happened that day. I gave the urn with Annabelle's ashes in it. They didn't even need to test it to know they weren't ashes from a body. They used ashes from a fireplace and tiny white pebbles. They definitely figured we wouldn't look closely at the ashes and possibly had no idea what a humans cremated ashes would look like. They were right. Grace didn't even know, but the person she had test them knew without even testing them. They tested them and found it was fireplace ashes and white pebbles.
I think I am still in shock that Christian Grey is probably my brother in law. Anastasia could be my sister my identical twin sister. I did sell him the company for the agreed amount and I would stay on for the turn over to whoever he puts in my place. I will be paid a salary commensurate to the position. I dig up my birth certificate, passport and all documents regarding my birth. Not many people have a passport for a newborn. I have a passport, I just had no idea I have had one since I was an infant. We never went out of the country, but I know my dad always kept our passports up to date. I always found it odd and I am starting to think he was hiding something from me and this might be what it was. I am not their child. The more I think about everything and the fact we never expanded the business until my 18th birthday and dad pulls me into the business after he became ill is another issue. My college courses never included business courses or IT of any kind. So selling was all I could really do with the company.

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