A Question Of Love

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I asked Anastasia a question and decided to fly to Vegas to solve a problem called Leila Williams. It might be crazy, but I know something about Leila and she won't stop until she has gotten pregnant by me to force us together married or not. I pack a suitcase while Elliott takes Kate and Anastasia on a tour of my penthouse. This is going to be a huge issue and I am nervous about asking her to do it. Elliott guess who found the penthouse and insisted she be let up to see me?
Please tell me it wasn't that psycho gold digger Leila Williams. I thought you were through with her, since she dumped you for Richie rich at Harvard.
She left a note saying she is pregnant by me and there is no way she could be. It isn't mine because she would be nine months and due anyway and Taylor saw her and she did look pregnant. I look at Anastasia and ask her how would she like to help me prevent Leila's plots.
How could I help you?
Fly to Vegas and marry me and we can either stay married or divorce after Leila sees she can't have me back.
Is she really that crazy that she would do this.
Yes and it is very odd she shows up after the article in the national magazine announcing me being a very eligible billionaire. She left me for a millionaire, when she thought I was poor. I really need this we can sign a contract and a prenuptial agreement if you want to.
Okay, but what if I fall in love with you?
We both win, I won't leave you and you will live with me. Okay I am packed and your over night bag is in the foyer. Sawyer is waiting for us.
Are Kate and I invited?
Yes we need witnesses, so let's go we can get everything we need when we land in Vegas. I have the prenuptial agreements ready and we can read through and make adjustments as we wish.
Okay, then you should know I am a published writer with best sellers still being sold and my newest book launches soon. I don't appear at book signings. I sign copies and they add comments when the book is sold. It is a safety measure. I am wealthy as well, we just live on what we bring in money wise. So royalties and my grandparents have very lucrative businesses. I just got one trust fund and there are five more on top of that one.
Let's go now, before crazy arrives.
I hand Anastasia the prenuptial agreement. I lean over and say we will buy the wedding rings in Vegas.
Okay this is crazy, but are you sure this is necessary?
Very necessary. If he is single she won't leave him alone. I met the crazy person and there is no stopping her trying to get him to the alter and killing him afterward. If she can't marry him she will leave him alone. If there is a baby it isn't his.
Let's go then before we get too tired to do this.
Sir we have three bodyguards and the jet is ready to go and we have chose the chapel and hotel is awaiting your arrival.
We are on the jet in thirty minutes and by nine am we have signed the prenuptial agreements and made necessary changes. We are married in ten minutes and what shocks us is that Elliott marries Kate as well. I can't believe she agreed to the marriage. They didn't have a prenuptial agreement.
Ray is going to be as mad as my family is and I think Kate will get some flack as well. I bought Anastasia a beautiful diamond engagement ring and band and she chose mine as well. The wedding dress was a very simple white dress and she carried carnations.
I have been lonely for a long time and Kate has taken that feeling away by being strong for me. Mark won't know what hit him when she kicks him out of our lives.
I was stunned about Elliott asking me to marry him, but I said yes so easily. He protects me and makes me laugh and he was so patient with me. When he found out about Jim he decided to let me know what he had said about me. We are married in ten minutes and we don't worry about the prenuptial agreements.
We go to our respective rooms and I had clothing delivered to our room and Elliott and Kate's room before we arrived. The wedding dresses came and went then we had them brought to the chapel for Kate along with engage and wedding rings. We were all set, but we needed food to eat. We finally made love to consummate the marriage and drifted off to sleep. We had to head back to beat the paparazzi home.
Kate and Elliott had to choose to stay in the guest room and brought the clothes from Vegas back with us.
Grandma and grandpa called me and asked me why I eloped and I told them I didn't want a big wedding and Christian asked me and we left and Kate and Elliott got married as well. Carrick and Grace heard Christian and I signed prenuptial agreements and were thrilled. I met Gale the housekeeper and the rest of the security teams. Sawyer went to bed and other took over for him.
I can't believe both my brothers married my best friends. Eloped at that. Mom and dad were pretty upset, but when they heard that Christian and Anastasia signed prenuptial agreements they were thrilled. I wanted to be bridesmaids, oh well maybe another time. Paparazzi were everywhere. The Steele's couldn't leave and neither could we.

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