The Best Of Friends

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Anastasia is having her birthday party in her backyard. Mine was at Chuck E Cheeses and we played a lot of games. I am not sure what her birthday party will look like, but we are both six years old now and attend the same school so we know the same people. Some of my school friends have sisters who wanted to come to my birthday party and mom told them only if they were babysitting their siblings. They were informed that neither of my brothers would be there. They stayed with the staff at home. At 14 and 12 they really wanted nothing to do with a six year olds birthday party.
I had fun at Mia's birthday party, but we seem to be growing apart now that we are in school. I suspect it is because my grandparents aren't really very social people. I know dr Grey and mr Grey entertain a lot more and have more in common with the other classmates parents. Mia and I do still have fun together and we are invited over regularly. We kind of don't have the same interests as most of them do. I love helping grandpa with his woodworking and have created some of my own work. I also work hard at getting good grades in school. Mia is smart, but her mind goes astray at times. I read a lot of various books. I have also started writing stories and illustrating them. Grandpa sent two of my works in for publications. He used the first two letters of my mom and dads first names as my first name Dele Eleets is my pen name. After my birthday party a lot of people asked grandma where she got the idea for it. She told them it was her own creation. She designed a maze with both girl and boy themes and the first ones out won a grand prize. Each maze had clues and you got a prize if you solved the clues. They also were allowed to dismantle the maze and take the posters with them. I had a lot of fun and so did the others. Grandpa showed them how to create beauty out of using a spoon and a bar of soap. We used a lot of soap and everyone took their creations home. At six the carving of wood with the real tools was dangerous. Grandpa was teaching them other things as well. The cake was amazing and we had a cupcake icing contest as well. Grandma made a buffet for everyone so they could have healthy food that looked unhealthy. It took my grandparents six hours to set everything up for my birthday party. We all worked together to clean it up and the one with the most bags from the clean up won a visa gift card for five dollars. I got a lot of nice presents, but all were not something I would be able to wear regularly. Receipts were put in the boxes or given to grandma later. They realized they had bought things I might not ever wear or use. I like being girly, but not girly all the time. Mia loved the party and won the five dollar gift card. Plus she was able to solve all the clues and she took a few posters home with her.
The presents were nice, but just not something a six year old would wear regularly, thank God all of the brought the receipts to return the items. All were expensive and to be worn at formal events. What six year old needs things like that? I thought they were giving her dresses that a beauty contestant would wear. Ray laughed and said nothing and continued his helping with the soap carving events. They did that while Anastasia opened her gifts. Grace was the only one who got Anastasia something she knew would not be returned.
Anastasia had a great time and so did her friends. I think a few of the moms were a bit snooty for my taste, but I just ignored the ignorance. All that mattered to me is my granddaughter and her enjoying her birthday and she was laughing and smiling. The cupcake icing event was a real blast and then we cut her fantasy birthday cake that Carla created with my help of icing and placing various popular characters on different layers of the cake. It was truly a wonderful cake. We took pictures of it. Someone asked who did the cake and Carla and I told them we both created it. They asked if we could create one for their sons party. We finally agreed to creating one for her son.
I really didn't want to create another cake like that, because Ray and I got into a fight over it. We finally got it finished and now he told someone we would make their son a cake like it for his birthday party. After hearing his reasoning I felt horrible for getting mad at him. The boy was having an early party because he was going in for surgery to remove cancer and it would be soon. Bobby Burns got his cake and then some. I had to explain six months later about why Bobby had suddenly died. Then Anastasia asked about how her parents died. It was a very sad day indeed, we grieved for the small boy who lost his fight to cancer, his mother thanks us for helping with his birthday. We found out her s favorites and went all out even with the cupcake creations. I think we were among the few who knew about his cancer. We got photos and sent them to his family. She was so happy to get them. Ray did a carving of her son and gave it to her, he painted it to look exactly like her favorite photo of him.
The funeral of Bobby Burns was a turning point for Anastasia. Her curiosity of how her parents died got the better of her and she found out they were killed in a bank robbery. She kept to herself for a while to grieve the loss of Bobby and her parents finally. A week later she called me and told me why she needed time alone.
I finally worked through my grief over Bobby and my parents, my grandparents helped me through it. I wrote a book in my time of grief and about my grief and it hit the best sellers list for children's books. They wanted to interview me, but my grandparents didn't think drawing attention to me a nearly seven year old would be a great idea. They finally agreed to an interview with my face blacked out and my actual name not being released.

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