Eunice Welch

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I call Christian and ask if my temporary position can be made permanent. He sends me to the HR and they are instructed to do as told. I did tell him we are keeping a tight rein on Analisa.
Good to hear that, you and Jordan have your hands full. I hear he is a good IT guy have him apply and talk to Barney Miller my top IT person. You and Jordan have dual citizenship right?
We sure do. It made it easier to do things in Europe and cone back to the US. Christian and I have known each other for years and met Jordan a few times. He warned me about Analisa and I tried to get him to see through her act, but here we are. Christian is older and has seen and dealt with so many people that he can read most of them. I go home and let Enid know how it went with Christian and she is thrilled. Of course Analisa is always snooping around and heard I was transferred here permanently.
I think I will apply for a job with GEH. Mom said since I am not pregnant and I am unemployed. Mom said that Joshua and I have to go back to college or start working.
HR called me about hiring Analisa Welch three days after Eunice was hired. Something on her application reflagged and they knew to call me directly and they did an excellent job. I told them to throw her application in the shredder after she leaves the building. Then I call security and have them help her leave without alerting her to the fact she was indeed being kept from going anywhere but out the front doors. She is not allowed to come into the building ever again. Jordan applied the next day and Barney interviewed him and gave him the job and a six month probation period. His security pass will be kept at GEH, we don't want Analisa near his security badge. Eunice however is well known and trusted at all the GEH buildings. She leaves hers with the security office and they know her on sight.
Christian told me that Eunice and Jordan Welch are working at GEH now. He told me that Analisa tried to also get a job, but her application was destroyed. Plus security made sure she left the building. Grace called me and told me Analisa had never been pregnant she lied. We all suspected she was lying. We might be relieved she isn't pregnant, but she still lied about Christian.
Jordan gave Analisa an ultimatum and I know for sure she won't do it and so does he. I want great grandchildren , but not this way and not by Analisa. I am going to be a thorn in Analisa's side. Her family have her trust funds and aren't giving her free reign over them at all. Now that she is married to Jordan he is in control of her money unless they divorce and the trust goes back to being controlled. Jordan did the right thing by marrying her due to the pregnancy. I should have gotten her to the OB/GYN, but we thought she was being honest. We had no idea what her true colors are and now we do. Jordan and I have started divorce proceedings and I talked him into getting our own place and leaving The Kavanagh family to deal with Analisa. I like Enid but, we need to distance ourselves from day to day living with them.
Jordan and his mother are keeping things from me and so are the members of my own family. Jordan and his mother tell me they want us to talk to Carrick Grey to get me divorced from Jordan and we can go our separate ways, since I was never pregnant and that was the only reason for our marriage to begin with. Mom said no matter what happens I still have a home, but I need to get my life straightened out and soon. She sat me down and told me to choose to go to college and get my degree so I didn't have to depend on others for my income. I also have to go see someone about my obsessions. I hated it but I signed the divorce papers and mom and Eunice paid for my college tuition. Carrick Grey warned me if I did anything else concerning Christian that I would lose it all. Mom and Eunice were adamant that they would stop any kind of support for me.
I think Analisa will be thinking about what it will be like if she tries anything with Christian again. She signed certain agreements about behavior against anyone in this manner again. So she has to keep her nose clean and attend college to create a career for herself. Hopefully by the time she gets her education she will have been helped therapy and education wise to provide her own income. The agreements have no end dates, so we handle everything and the divorce will be final in thirty days. I did this for Enid at filing costs alone. She is family after all. I hate to admit, but Analisa is as well because of Kate. So there will be times when she will be around us. I told her that eyes will be watching her at all times and everyone will know if she violates these agreements.
I am so young to be getting a divorce, but better now than later. Grandma is paying for my college and so is GEH by way of an educational grant. Grandma told me that life teaches you lessons and if you can learn and correct your mistakes and move on to using the knowledge to go down different paths you can do much better for yourself. Grandma was still proud of me for stepping up and marrying Analisa after the pregnancy tests. Analisa finally broke down and admitted she paid for a pregnant persons urine to use for the two pregnancy tests. I should have insisted on her seeing an OB/GYN.
We moved out to a small place near GEH and Enid and I keep in touch. Jordan, Joshua and Jason are pals now. The divorce went through quickly and college had a lot of new people to meet for Jordan. I know he has been taught some new lessons.

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