Debra Anderson

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Grandma and grandpa have been overjoyed at having Debra around and learning about her life. Her father was a very good father to her. She has kept her real identity quiet due to some unscrupulous relatives who might try to overturn her father's estate if they knew she wasn't his real child. We have decided to go Along with her story and keep it under wraps who she really is. My girls love her and she loves them. My restrictions have been lifted and my classes are all completed since I am not allowed to work. I am now allowed to carry my girls one at a time though.
I love being here with the family and my nieces are great. Mia Grey has been trying to set me up with Jordan Welch. I am like two years older than he is and Eunice wants him to get his degree before he marries anyone. Plus he has his eyes on a single mother from the single parents group for college students who need support. It was an extension of the already campus groups, but the Grey, Sullivan, and Kavanagh families have made it better for them. A building and staff grew out of the original plans and it has snowballed into a way to get single parents better educated. I volunteered and it went over very well. I met Analyn not long after arriving and let me tell you, she didn't make a good impression on me at all. She thought I was Anastasia and made a fool of herself in front of several people. I hadn't met Eunice or Anastasia yet. I had just walked out of GEH when I decided to go to the deli a block away from GEH. Taylor insisted I have a covert for protection after refusing a CPO. So I allowed them to set one up for me. It was a very good idea. Had I been warned about Analisa Kavanagh Welch I would have changed to the CPO. I ordered my meal and bought my covert something and had the clerk give James Davis his meal at the counter. I was finished by the time I was suddenly accosted by Analisa with two of her friends. I tried my best to tell her I wasn't Anastasia Grey, but she wouldn't listen to me. James blocked her fist from hitting my face and told the other girls if they didn't want to go to jail, they should leave while they could.
I made it to stop Analisa from hitting Debra with her fist, while telling her groupies to leave if they didn't want to be arrested. I cuffed Analisa and had Debra follow me outside with Analisa and called her brother Joshua. I ask Debra if she wanted to pursue charges at this point and she simply said she failed, but next time she would assure I call the cops. I tell Analisa that she swung on Debra Anderson and not Anastasia Grey. But given the fact there is a restraining order for her to stay away from Anastasia and the Grey family she will now be getting one to stay away from miss Anderson soon as well.
I thought she was Anastasia, I had no idea she wasn't. She could pass for her with a minor scar on the side of her neck that is from her surgery.
I think you should be arrested for violating the restraining order since you approached me with your two friends thinking I was Anastasia. You fully intended on hurting Anastasia. James call the cops and we can solve this issue now. I don't think she has learned her lesson about hurting others. And violating the restraining order shows her contempt for the law. Plus she intended on hurting me thinking I was Anastasia Grey.
God Analisa you can't stop can you? You were told to stay away from Anastasia and here you are again. Sorry Anastasia, have you calle$ the cops yet?
We were waiting for you to arrive so we can explain who Debra Anderson is and what happened in the deli. It is miss Anderson's choice on whether to pursue charges against miss Welch. But there will be a restraining order against your sister to prevent her coming near her as well. I stopped her punching Miss Anderson in the face. Miss Welch and two of her groupies were accosting miss Anderson. I am her bodyguard and stopped it all. I will do what miss Anderson wishes, but next time miss Welch will be going to jail.
Thanks again, I ask his name and tell Analisa to apologize for her horrible behavior and that they aren't arresting her at this point and promise she won't come near miss Anderson or Mrs Anastasia Grey in the future.
I do as asked, but I really don't want to stay away from either of the females. I also don't want to go to jail.
I tell her next time, she will find herself in an infirmary inside a jail in Seattle. She is lucky James stopped her from hitting me. She wouldn't be standing on her own two feet after I started hurting her. Dad put me in self defense courses when he saw how tiny I was and I was being bullied. So since before school after a playground bully tried to hurt me. Six months later that bully was found crying from me defending myself against him. My nanny and bodyguard shot the video of him trying to hurt me and the cops had a long talk with the mother and father of the bully and he was not allowed in that park again. I can shoot as well. A kidnapper found out the hard way, after I shot him and his two friends in their asses. I guess they didn't expect me to pull out two guns and aim them at their private parts. They started running, so I shot them in their butts to prevent the three from escaping. All three were thinking I was Anastasia Grey, at that point I had no idea who they were talking about.

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