[ Himuro ] - Not this time ll

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You were lying in bed, tears streaming down your flushed cheeks. You didn't even bother to take off your shoes before entering the house or change into your PJS, let alone shower. The sight of your bestfriend, (B/F/N), sucking faces with your boyfriend behind your back couldn't leave your mind. It disgusted you.

Beep Beep!Your phone lit up as the message icon popped up. You blindly slide your finger over the screen to unlock it.

[ Himuro (Aka. bae): (F/N), I am so sorry. I didn't know what I was thinking, I made a mistake." ]

Great. One of the two people you didn't want to talk to right now had just messaged you. You decided to ignore the message, plopping the phone down beside you on the bed. Not even a minute passed before you received another message.

[ Himuro (Aka. bae): Please message me back. I want to talk to you, please. I'm really sorry. ]

Just as you were about to turn off your phone, more messages kept coming.

[ Himuro (Aka. bae): (F/N) please. I'm begging you, I'm very sorry. Can you message me back so that we can sort this out? (B/F/N) doesn't mean anything to me. ]

[ Himuro (Aka. bae): I understand how you feel, but don't you think this is a bit ridiculous? It was just one kiss that meant nothing compare to when I kiss you. ]

Ugh... That's right. You practically indirectly kissed your best friend through your boyfriend, just fantastic. You were surprised to see that Himuro had called you- actually scratch that- it wasn't that big of a surprise since you didn't bother to reply to his messages. You clicked the bright green button, connecting you to him.

"What do you want!?" You scowled into the phone, hinting a bit of coldness in your tone.

"I messaged you and you didn't even respond. I wanted to say I'm sorr-"

"What, you're sorry? Does that really change things? You were all over my best friend with your tongue!" You interrupted him, practically screaming and sobbing through the phone. He obviously didn't understand how badly he hurt you.

"I know... I can't undo things, but I can fix them." Himuro replied calmly through the phone, giving you goosebumps.

"Not this time, Tatsu-kun. We're.. done." You sighed, hanging up the phone before you could hear his argument. You threw the phone down, ignoring the multiple attempts of Himuro trying to call back. As the buzzing gradually stopped, you closed your eyes and drifted off to sleep.

[      A    few   months   later    ]

You haven't talked to Himuro ever since the break up. You caught quick glimpses of him looking at you, but that was it. You had been recently distracting yourself with school activities and surprisingly, a new boy.

"Hey Atsushi." Himuro walked closer to the purple-haired titan. The tall teenager was currently wrapping his arms around a petite (H/C)-haired girl. As the couple turned to face Himuro, his eyes widened to see the who was wrapped in Murasakibara's arms. "(F/N)..?"

Your smile slowly turned into a look of discontent as you met eyes with Himuro. Himuro's eyes widened. Murasakibara raised an eyebrow, looking at Himuro, then back at you.

"Eh~ (F/N)-chin knows Himuro?" Murasakibara asked, resting his chin on the top of your head.

"No, I haven't seen him before at all." You reply, letting out an icy scoff before turning your attention back at Murasakibara. "Come on! Let's go buy some sweets!~" You smiled, grabbing his hand before walking away from the distraughted black-haired boy. You glanced over your shoulder quickly to see the Himuro tearing up on the spot. You met eyes with him, and quickly turned away, leaving him behind.


[ A/N: I always wanted to do something like this, but I am so inexperienced with stuff like this. Haha. I hope you enjoyed this. Actually wait! No, break ups and cheating is not something you wanna enjoy. I hope you... learn from this! Yes, learn. Don't stay with a guy who cheats on you, even if it is a kiss. If he loved you a lot, he wouldn't have cheated on you to begin with! And now this is getting long. Until next time! ]


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