Author's Note

3K 78 27

Hello there, my dearies!

This is not an update unfortunately, (sorry). But I have just a few announcements to get out before anything happens. So lets begin;

I. Concerning the following one-shots:

* [ Kuroko ] - Its been awhile

* [ Midorima ] - Happiness

I am not sure if I would like to write a second part for them only because I feel as though I ruin the powerful ending I made for them. An example would be, [ Aomine ] - Future Plans. I felt as though the more parts I added to it, the less interesting you guys were because I wasn't able to surpass the first part. Therefore, I am on the fence on whether to add onto the two one-shots.

But if you strongly want it, then I'll do it.

II. Are you guys even happy with my writing?

I've been checking on my rates such as; votes, comments, reads, and followers. And from what I am seeing, they are decreasing quite a bit from when I first started. It is a little discouraging, (of course it would be), but is it something I am doing? I want to know. I want you guys to tell me if you liked it or not. Maybe I could change something or you know... Comments & votes say a lot to me. Comments obviously mean more, but if you spam the vote button, it tells me something! SO PLEASE TALK.

III. I might take a break from this to work on my Haikyuu!! one-shots.

My Haikyuu!! One-shots aren't getting much attention from me as I think they should. I only get like 36 reads on one story after taking an hour or two to write it. It upsets me, and I bet it would upset the cast of Haikyuu!! as well. My bae, Oikawa needs that attention, LOL//punched.

But don't get me wrong, I will still write for this. My Haikyuu!! one-shots will just be updating more frequently, that's all. So please give it a read! The volleyball dorks did nothing wrong to get neglected.

IV. Akashi - Only you will be put on a small hold.


That is all. Thank you for all your wonderful support, it really makes me happy. I can't believe I reached a good 200+ followers after joining 8 months ago. Wait. Wait. Woah. That's a long time. LOOOL. Well, anyways... HAVE A NICE DAY! And feel free to message me before school starts. I'm crying because of math.

This will be deleted later on.

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