Chapter 14

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Jack: what are you looking at

Adam: a future criminal
Cat: I'm seeing someone, but I'm worried about telling you who because you're not going to like it

Jack: Rip the bandage off, man

Cat: It's your brother

Jack: Put the fucking bandage back on
Adam: If I die, my funeral is going to be the biggest party ever, and you're all invited

Ryan: If?

Jack: Great, the only party I've ever been invited to, and they might not even die.
Ryan: someone here is possessed by an owl.

Jack: who?

Ryan: we don't know–

*Ryan looks at Jack with horrified realization*
Jack: what the fuck!?

Adam: Jack, language!

Jack: what the actual sexual intercourse

Ryan: what
*Jack sees a bee on Ryan's arm*

*Jack rolls up a newspaper*

Jack, using the rolled-up newspaper as a megaphone: THERE'S A FUCKING BEE ON YOUR SHOULDER
Adam: I forget but I do NOT forgive. I'm wandering around hating bitches; I can't remember why, though.
Ryan: tonight, one of you will laugh during the prank and betray us

Adam: is it me, Ryan?

Ryan: no, you're too dedicated

Jack: is it me, Ryan?

Ryan: iS iT mE rYaN?
Adam: good morning

Ryan: good morning

Austin: you all sound like robots; try spicing it up a bit

*Jack runs in*


*Shay runs in behind Jack and creates chaos*
Ryan: you want some leftovers?

Adam: what's that?

Ryan: you've never had leftovers?

Adam: I'm not a quitter
Jack: My life isn't as glamorous as my wanted poster looks.
Adam: so, what's the new rule here?

Jack: no daring Ryan to do stupid stuff

Adam: why?

Ryan, grumpily: because I have no regard for my wellbeing

Adam: Right
*Jack speeding in his car and getting pulled over by police*

Officer: Do you know why I stopped you?

Ryan, sitting next to Jack: Yeah, it's cause he let you.

Officer: Any drugs or alcohol?

Jack: No thanks, I've got everything.
Ryan: Don't you love how mental illnesses are bought one, get seven free?

Jack: Mine's a family heirloom, passed down through generations.

Adam, not sure who to hug first: Okay, first of all-
*Adam aggressively removes the candles from Ryan's birthday cake*

Adam: What the fuck were you wishing for?
Ryan: I'm go see my girlfriend

Jack: no!

Ryan: why?

Jack: chores before whores

Ryan: Jack-

Jack: dishes before bitches

Ryan: why are you like this
Ryan: i fear nothing

Adam: Jack knows you skipped breakfast today

Ryan is already packing his bags: I fear one thing
Jack: Oh I see how it is. Rihanna can wear a shiny, completely transparent dress in public and everyone loves it. But when I do it, I was wasting saran wrap and ruining society, Jack, Pftt, fakers.

*Adam sighs deeply*
Cat: I love murder mysteries

Ryan trying to impress her: I've been the lead suspect for dozens of cases
Jack: my mother didn't raise me to be a quitter

Jack: in fact, she didn't raise me at all
Adam: I'm not mean? Name one mean thing I've ever done?

Jack: When we were younger, you convinced me eggs weren't real.

Adam: They're not.

Jack: Haha, very funny.

Adam: I'm serious. Didn't you hear?

Jack: No, what happened?

Adam: Why would you fall for this again?

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