Chapter 38

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Ryan: so if you tell someone you're not marrying them, can they sleep with other people?

Adam: no, but Jack's emotional IQ is lower than Shay's actual IQ

Austin: shit, you're fucked, dude
Jack: I don't like emotions; they're so messy.

Ryan: I think you're mistaking feelings for paint
Ryan: they're a seven, but they hate your guts

Adam: I feel like this question is better aimed at Jack

Jack: first of all, we agreed not to target anyone, fuck you, and second of all, they're a ten
Ryan: how do you feel about children?

Adam: uh, they're okay, I guess. I mean, if I saw one on the street, I wouldn't throw a rock at them.

Ryan: why would you throw a rock at a child?

Adam: I just said I wouldn't.
*Austin falls down the stairs*

Adam: Are you okay?

Ryan: Stop falling down the stairs!

Jack: How'd the ground taste?
Ryan bangs his wrist on the table: ow! my armkle.

Adam: your what?

Jack, tiredly: his wrist.
Jack: can you be quiet?! I'm trying to think.

Ryan: don't worry. Doing anything for the first time is difficult.
Adam: Did you have to stab him?

Jack: You weren't there; you didn't hear what he said to me.

Adam, hands on his hips: Well, what did he say?

Jack: What are you going to do, Baby Met? Stab me?

Adam: That's fair.
Jack: I gave Adam a 'get better soon' card

Ryan: I didn't know he was sick

Jack: He's not; I just thought he could do better
Ryan: Don't break someone's heart. They only have one.

Jack: Yeah, break their bones instead. They have two hundred and six of those.

Ryan: Jack!
Adam: Jack...

Ryan: Oh no, 'Jack' in B flat.

Adam: You need to shut up.
*Jack sits down and rests his legs on Ryan's lap*

Ryan: Move your legs before I break them

Jack: You know, it's kinda hard to hate you when you're threatening to beat the fuck out of me all the time.

Ryan: I swear to god

Jack: is anyone else a little uncomfortable right now?

Adam: Extremely.
Ryan: one time, when I was in 1st grade, I had a crush on a girl, but I didn't know what to do about it, so I wrote her a note threatening her to leave town, but I couldn't give it to her since Jack ate it.

Jack: pencil doesn't taste good, in my opinion
Adam: I'll put my 'a' down to make at.

Ryan: I'll add 't' to make AT&T!

*Jack slaps tiles on board*

Adam: did you ruin our game of Scrabble by spelling ADHD?
Alba: shut up

Jack: make me

Adam: is this supposed to be flirting?

Ryan: I said they did it all the time, not that they did it well
Ryan: Adam said we have to get along if we want to go on stage tonight

Jack: I have an idea; let's play hide and seek, I hide, and you and Adam seek professional help

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