Chapter 42

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Adam: god, give me patience.

Jack: I think you mean 'give me strength.'

Adam: If god gave me strength, you'd be dead.
Adam: I swear I'm the only kone with a brain cell.

Ryan, Jack, and Austin: ALL HAIL, the keeper of the sacred brain cell!
Ryan: I can't believe all these people are wearing black. Black is supposed to be my thing; they're all just posers.

Adam: Ryan, for the last time, we're at a funeral.
Ryan: and what do we say when someone disappoints us?

Jack: called it

Adam: NO!
Jack: I'm a private person; I keep myself and never gossip.

Ryan: you'll tell me later?

Jack: you already know.
Jack: You need to learn to love yourself.

Adam: Don't you hate yourself?

Jack: Yes, but this is about you; stay focus.
Jack nudges Ryan at 3 am: Pretty fucked up that we depict the moon as a girl and the sun as a boy. They're just floating rocks in space. Ryan? Wake up, Ryan! Listen! They're sexless!

Ryan: The sun isn't a rock; go back to your room.
Ryan: Cat and I don't argue; she tells me to shut up, and I do
Alba staring at Jack: Look at him with his shitty hair and dumb outfit......I have to have him
*6 am in Jack and Ryan's apartment*

Adam: what the fuck is making that incessant noise

Ryan: oh, that's just Jack going for a run

Adam: it's six in the fucking morning.

Ryan: well, yeah. Wait...why are you here at six in the morning!?!?!

Adam: we're going on tour. Did you forget again?

Ryan, looking down sadly: yeah...

Adam: we talked about this Ry
Ryan: Adam, are you crying?

Adam, sobbing: This book is so fucking sad

Ryan: it's an interior design book

Adam, sobbing harder: I know, the designs fucking suck
Jack: I think I'm depressed.

Adam: that's good; that means you're paying attention
Austin: you motherfucker

Jack: I fucking WISH
Ryan: I've been talking to myself in the mirror—

Jack: You know that's a mental illness?
*Alba and Jack are having a friend date; Alba is looking for topics to talk about on her phone, despite Alba telling him just to be himself.*

Alba, checking her phone: Oh! Here's a good one. What's the weirdest way you've gotten into a relationship?

Jack: Tax evasion.

Alba, very interested: Story, please?

Jack, looking around: Ah, No.
Jack: raise your hand if you thought I was the king of pigeons

Jack: Lee, put your claw down
Adam, drunk and annoyed: one of my brothers called me a possum.

Adam: I am not a POSSUM.
Jack, going over Austin's resume: Okay, we're going to LOVE you on the team, but it says right fucking here that you're creative.

Austin: Yes

Jack: Okay... so what the fuck do you create?

Austin: Problems.

Jack: Bro, same
*Adam rings doorbell*

Jack, from inside: I HAVE A GUN!

Adam, sighs: No, Jack, it's Adam!

Jack, opening the door cheerfully: Oh, Hello, Adam!

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